Motors YouTube Videos

not sure if these have turned up here before?

Little bit of Audi 5 pot music.

video a little boring but the sound!

makes me sad, i miss my quattro:(
He crawled from his car after the accident and was treated for the ankle injury and abdominal pain, according to X Games medical staff. X Games medical staff reported he was awake and alert and after through examination of his head, chest, abdomen, pelvis and back, his injuries were limited to his ankle.
I've been watching a few episodes of this GEARStv thing on youtube, I gather it is/was a US car modding programme, pretty good, the host is lovably mental.

In the begining it has this clip of a car being crushed, I thought it was a toy car, it's not, it's a BMW (2002?) the truck crushing it is biblically HUGE!

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