Above 2 videos have already been posted recently![]()
Well, the one I posted is actually different... I challenge you to spot what that difference is![]()
I love that video. It really gives non-bikers an idea of how fast a motorbike actually is as most drivers can probably relate to how a V8 Atom can rip your face off but have no idea what a motorbike feels like.
Shame they didn't keep going after the quarter mile though, I'd love to have seen the gap widen.
I was surprised at how badly the V8 Atom trailed the others. The bike winning, sure. You need a hell of a power advantage to accelerate a car faster than a bike. But the V8 Atom coming a rather poor third was a surprise.
Nutter in a porsche
The bike has traction control and launched in wet weather, it was always going to be a bit iffy but good at the same time.
The Ariel clearly doesn't have TC and just span up immediately and kept spinning through 2nd and 3rd it looks like.
The rally car is designed for this
Given a dry day I'd expect it would have been closer between the Ariel and bike, but the rally car would have spun up/bogged down as it's 4WD
custom made 2dr body impreza, looks flamin hot!
And damn at that 458 crash, saw it earlier today![]()