Motors YouTube Videos

I thought Anti-Lag was to keep the Turbo spooled so you have.. well, No Lag!

That thing goes bang bang bang bang, then still takes an ice age to spool up :confused:
I thought Anti-Lag was to keep the Turbo spooled so you have.. well, No Lag!

That thing goes bang bang bang bang, then still takes an ice age to spool up :confused:


This is back firing on over run and not anti-lag, hence the lack of it when spooling and then fireworks when he lifts off.

Mine (non turbo m20) pops on over run loads but doesn't spit flames or sound like a gun going off, thankfully!
some very misinformed people on here

That IS anti lag and that turbo is spooling very quick once its been activated

thats nearly 700hp at just 1.9 bar theres a BIG turbo on that 2.8 lump

as for lack of it when spooling anti lag doesn't work when spooling!! the whole point of it is to keep the turbo spooling when your OFF the accelerator

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yeah except its not turned on at the start of that video

im just gonna lol if you dont think that bmw has proper anti lag and leave it at that :)
yeah except its not turned on at the start of that video

im just gonna lol if you dont think that bmw has proper anti lag and leave it at that :)

It doesn't. Fact. Might be putting a lot of fuel through but no air is getting through. The fact its not making any boost off throttle is pretty darn telling.
That ^ is a real als system
Thats the rocket system developed from the prodrive WRC cars, antilag in its purest most effective form, however i dont doubt that the antilag system used in the BMW up top although a tad crude is reduce spool up times.
Does appear to actually work. You seen to be mistaking making a lot of drama for making boost off throttle. What we need to see is the boost gauge, not the tailpipe.
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