Motors YouTube Videos

300-550mph is boring!

I watched an interesting interview with Andy Green that puts that quote into more context. He described the way a vehicle behaves at different speeds, which was something I hadn't really considered (hence it being interesting).

Once you get above a few hundred mph, the wheels aren't really doing anything much and the friction between the vehicle and the ground is extremely low. It's like severe aquaplaning on dry land...terraplaning? The slightest imbalance will set the vehicle moving sideways and that's going to kill you. Ground not absolutely flat? Sideways. A little gust of wind? Sideways. Paint very slightly thicker on one side of the vehicle? Sideways. No joking about the paint - that was something they found actually happened. So you must constantly steer exactly the right amount to counter any sideways motion, because anything more than a degree or two off straight and you're going to crash and die. Since the wheels have so little traction, that means you're steering almost entirely by using the wheels as air rudders and they're not very efficient in that capacity (Andy Green casually mentioned having the steering on full lock at over 600mph). A bit too much? Crash and die. Not quite enough? Crash and die.

It's not something that a person would normally describe as being boring.
Surely thats not a good video for the Impreza.

Its engine is more than 10% larger, it also has a turbo, gay wheel drive, etc etc and had to try very hard to get past

Driver walked away without a scratch, shows how good a full carbon tub is!

Pictures here:


Surely thats not a good video for the Impreza.

Its engine is more than 10% larger, it also has a turbo, gay wheel drive, etc etc and had to try very hard to get past

Yeah thought the same thing. Integra is no slouch and is more track focussed imo.
Motortrend reviews the new CLA45 AMG.

I like it but think those stock wheels look too small for the body size, need to be an inch bigger. Shame it's not RWD as well.

The Vette makes them wet!
Has calm and stable it seems at 200mph and it gets there so easily. Z06 are now 30k, what a bargain, I loved the one I drove, it just felt so big on our roads.

The new Vette seems perfect though, especially reviewer comments are how they have made it feel a far small more nimble car. :)
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