Motors YouTube Videos

I'd like to see that Agera R in the hands of someone that's not a test driver, testing their safety systems. On the first flick left right at 110km/h, the back end has lost it and he's on corrective lock to bring it back in line. That would've spun if it were driven by me.
I'd like to see that Agera R in the hands of someone that's not a test driver, testing their safety systems. On the first flick left right at 110km/h, the back end has lost it and he's on corrective lock to bring it back in line. That would've spun if it were driven by me.

I bet you wouldn't. That's just a regular ESP system like almost every car has now, they try to make it sound revolutionary?
I'm not that impressed by doing some gentle steering at 100mph either, big whoop? Awesome car no doubt, but the things they chose to show it off are just not impressive.
They've tweaked their dsc/esp system no doubt. What more were you expecting it to do? It's doing what any advanced stability control should do at such high speeds, especially at the end of the video.
I don't like the wheels, it would look so much better with the wheels from the previous model DBS. I I'm ever in the position to get something like that it would definitely have DBS wheels :)
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