Motors YouTube Videos

This is superb, when he finally gives it some tap at the end :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Also a good example of how Group B cars were related to the production cars they shared a name with in only the very vaguest way - headlights and badge and that'll do, close enough. It wasn't sensible, but it must have been great for the engineers and designers. The restrictions they had to work around could be written on the back of a postcard, giving them unprecendented freedom. It might even have survived if crowd control was better than non-existent.

Wow. Just wow. We've all seen some mad driving on TV police shows but the dashcam really puts a new perspective on it. I hope none of my family are ever caught up in the actions of someone like this.

On a lighter note, I see this often on the road local to me. He also has/had a YB powered Reliant Kitten :D

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