I wonder why the BBC didn't put F1 and Motogp on the "protected list"?
No Motogp next year and I think F1 will go the same way soon.
I wonder why the BBC didn't put F1 and Motogp on the "protected list"?
No Motogp next year and I think F1 will go the same way soon.
because the bbc are pandering to the mentally challenged, hence reality tv shows and boring soap operas. I can't say that I watch much on the bbc these days.
Simple. Money.
The BBC are not in control of their own funding. When their funding is cut the expensive minority programs have to go.
A bit of a generalization? Some of the best TV around comes from the BBC. All their factual and documentary programming is second to none, and they create some fantastic drama shows. Sure theirs also a load of guff, but to say its all rubbish is a bit unfair.
I thought deciding whats protected and whats not happens every decade and a decision for the government to make and not the Beeb...
Im pretty usre its a panel/quango that decides it and then the BBC sees what they can afford to bid for or not as obviously there lots of other FTA channels that are suitable for protected sports...The BBC have to ask the gov well that's what cameron said. I still say loads of back handers was going on.
The BBC have to ask the gov well that's what cameron said. I still say loads of back handers was going on.
Backhanders? The BBC are being squeezed because the government capped the TV license. I doubt they are paying them for favours in return.