The standard "Prize Fund allocation" is just columns 1 and 2. The rest is the result of seperately negotiated contracts that the teams have got. It muddies the water and everyone loves to lump the figures together to make headlines, but they aren't performance related (excluding Mercedes titles bonus).
The £47m Manor are getting is purely based on the result of the Championship. In 2015 they got £48m based on the 2014 season results, where they scored 2 points. This year they will earn just £1m less, having, like I said, not even bothered to try for the 2015 season.
They are earning just £3m less than McLaren who, while the results weren't great, have thrown litterally everything they could, and bust a gut trying as hard as possible, to be competitive last year.
Its why I think the "the prize money should be fairly distributed" argument is totally stupid. If you reward people just as much for not bothering as you do for being the best, why would anyone try? The ONLY reason we have any sort of battle for the lower positions of the WCC is because of the prize money.
There needs to be a variance between the top and bottom of the prize fund, and I would argue it needs to be bigger than it currently is. The additional bonus payments are a separate, although obviously linked, issue.