I upgraded the CPU/motherboard to a 590X, but I'm still rocking the 2080ti. it does me for what I need. PC gaming got too expensive to keep up with, and with having a series of SAP projects at work, my time to spend on my PC maintaining it and keeping it up to snuff with the rest of world is very much a premium. It was my 50th last year, so I got an Xbox series X to scratch my gaming itch and now I've basically got a watercooled internet browser.This is a thread for those moving away from water cooling mostly, so it's never a necro thread at that point.
Is your system the same as in your sig?
I will get back into it, but for now I'm playing on the Xbox and not spending >£1000 on new gpus (and waterblocks- I cant believe how much they've gone up in the past 5 years!!!!)