When possible all msi cards will have voltage control, the only exceptions are those currently under nvidias green light program.

In short, yes this card will be volt unlocked.
Got mine

2x 6 pin PCIEX plugs

Noisy and hot as hell... 75c!!

Load voltage for the card in GPU-Z is showing over 1.2v at stock!!!!

I just had a quick google and apparently over 1.2v is normal for these 7950 boosts

Here's a fix

"Thanks for the reply.
I've found the solution for that. I downloaded the version 3.00beta9 of afterburner and now it can change the vcore.
I changed the vcore from 1.25 to 1.05v. Now the card is running at 1050mhz, 57degree with 60% fan speed, cool and quiet. Before was 75 degree and 80% fan speed.
I'm satisfied now. :yes:"
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Got mine on saturday and already returned as faulty :( :/ Black screen, no video output notification :/

mine wasnt so noisy, temperature about 60 in games
I was one of the 25 who bought the £220 ones :) but...
Playing Skyrim and WoW on highest settings after a few minutes the fans start to screech, but then after another minute get slightly quieter, but still fairly loud. Alt-Tabbing to another program causes them to almost instantly drop which is weird because I would have thought the fans would have correlated with the temperature not the load?

a bit more info.
Before installing the GPU I idled at 26-32 (CPU temp).
Now the CPU idles at 35, and the GPU at 35.
Playing games it runs about 42 - 53.
I have an i7-3770K and an Arctic Cooling i30 on a Sabertooth Z77.
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Maybe that's the reason of low price, cause its faulty :D Who knows :P
I hope mine get back to me fully working, non faulty :]
I was one of the 25 who bought the £220 ones :) but...
Playing Skyrim and WoW on highest settings after a few minutes the fans start to screech, but then after another minute get slightly quieter, but still fairly loud. Alt-Tabbing to another program causes them to almost instantly drop which is weird because I would have thought the fans would have correlated with the temperature not the load?

a bit more info.
Before installing the GPU I idled at 26-32 (CPU temp).
Now the CPU idles at 35, and the GPU at 35.
Playing games it runs about 42 - 53.
I have an i7-3770K and an Arctic Cooling i30 on a Sabertooth Z77.

That's the previous batch with the known issue, send it back to get replaced with new one.

For others it's on special and with a mega 5 game bundle. :)
That's the previous batch with the known issue, send it back to get replaced with new one.

For others it's on special and with a mega 5 game bundle. :)
Can you think of anyway I might be able to tweak this situation so that I perhaps also get Far Cry 3, from the mega bundle, if I return it? ;)

I just did a clean install, and ran Unigine Heaven 4.0, and as soon as the GPU got to 60 the fans went crazy. When I purchased the card it said **NEW REVISION**, so do you have any idea how I've ended up with this one?

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