MSN Live Invites

does anyone know why windows live messenger says: "The password ID used to sign in is not allowed access to this BETA verion of messenger"?

im using gmail account....i already have a net passport???my cousin manages to sign in with his gmail. anyone know why it wont work for me?
jesta said:
does anyone know why windows live messenger says: "The password ID used to sign in is not allowed access to this BETA verion of messenger"?

im using gmail account....i already have a net passport???my cousin manages to sign in with his gmail. anyone know why it wont work for me?

It means you haven't been given an invitation and clicked the link and signed in. Every account that uses the beta needs to have done this, you can't just share the software. That's why we're running around sending each other invites rather that just hosting the file to download!
I have 7 to give out. I've no idea who's been given one so far, so I'll start dishing them out to the next 7 people that ask.
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