Man of Honour
I would say unconstitutional, but...
How is it unconstitutional?
I would say unconstitutional, but...
Does anyone have a link to the full original judgement?
How is it unconstitutional?
Not seen anything but this blog has some stuff with regard to sentencing guidelines and the appeal:
Was 56 days imprisonment justified for Mr Stacey? * You be the judge !!* I think it is difficult to square with the guidelines but, given that the District Judge referred to public outrage, he may well have had deterrence in mind as an objective in sentencing and there can be no doubt that the "tweets" were particularly objectionable.* The judge referred to them as "vile and abhorrent comment about a young footballer who was fighting for his life" and also added that Stacey needed to learn how to handle alcohol better.* I think there is force in the view that Stacey might have benefited more from undertaking a high level community penalty (e.g. a stiff number of hours of unpaid work) and this might have also benefited society more than his imprisonment and, in this event, Stacey could have been ordered to pay an appropriate contribution to the costs of the case.* It is understood that Stacey now faces a disciplinary hearing at Swansea University where he was studying biology.* For him, this offence is likely to have lifetime repercussions.
with no previous convictions
He highlighted a penalty notice Stacey received in March last year for violent disorder. The incident had previously been overlooked and was not mentioned at Stacey's earlier sentencing.
Will the PND give me a criminal record?
A PND is not a conviction therefore it will not result in a criminal record. A record of the notice will be kept for administration purposes. The information may be used to help decide whether or not to issue you with another PND in relation to any subsequent offences for which such notices may be issued. However, please note that if you fail to pay the PND or request a hearing, legal action taken against you can result in a criminal record.
I have removed the link. However can a mod please confirm whether the link can be posted I'd be most grateful. It is an official transcript after all?
in other words what every teenager gets up to on a Saturday at least once if not more......
If you had one, you would know.
Yes, I can only speak for myself, but it takes a lot for me to actually arrest for S5. I will give ample chances for someone to avoid me having to take action. The problem with this guy is he did it in such a public place (the interwebs)
agreed, but I question the Public Interest in a custodial does seem that the media has influenced the court in some way.
I think the public outcry, and subsequent media coverage, is very relevant to a public order offence. S5 is all about people being harassed alarmed or distressed, and the more people this affects the more serious the particular instance of the offence is. With so many people being distressed by the comments, the judge needs to sentence on the higher end of the scale.
I can't really rebut your other comments on rehabilitation as I don't know the guy enough to say what is appropriate.
Google - "this is my england the best and worst in people"
Maybe, I still feel that the Public Interest was not fully considered in the sentence.
As for the other comments I made on rehabilitation, I was following what the Court accepted as mitigation, including the acceptance that the offender was of normally good character etc......