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javascript:(function() { var shoppingBasket = document.getElementById("shoppingBkt"); if(shoppingBasket == null) { alert("shopping basket not found"); return; } var tbdy = shoppingBasket.getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]; var rows = tbdy.getElementsByTagName('tr'); var str = "[COLOR=\"Yellow\"][b]YOUR BASKET[/b][/COLOR]\n"; var images = ""; var thumbnails = 'yes'; console.log('Your Basket'); for (var i=1; i < rows.length - 4; i++) { var row = rows[i]; var cells = row.getElementsByTagName('td'); if (row.className == "basket_option") { var inputs = row.getElementsByTagName('input'); /* a complete system with no option price or count */ if(inputs.length == 0) { var cell = cells[0]; for (var j=0; j < cell.childNodes.length; j ++) { var option = cell.childNodes[j]; if(option.nodeName == "#text") { var desc = "[COLOR=\"Wheat\"]" + + "[/COLOR]\n"; console.log(' option desc: ' + desc); str += desc; } } } /* a fully configurable build. */ else if(inputs.length == 1) { var desc = cells[0].childNodes[2].data; var qty = cells[1].childNodes[0].value; var price = cells[2].childNodes[0].innerText; console.log(' option desc: ' + desc); console.log(' option qty: ' + qty); console.log(' option price: ' + price); str += "[COLOR=\"Wheat\"]" + qty + " x " + desc + "[/COLOR] [b][COLOR=\"Yellow\"]" + price + "[/COLOR][/b]\n"; } } else { var image = cells[0].childNodes[0].src; var desc = cells[1].childNodes[0].textContent; var link = cells[1].childNodes[0].href; var qty = cells[2].childNodes[0].value; var price = cells[3].childNodes[0].innerText; var total = cells[4].childNodes[0].innerText; console.log('image: ' + image); console.log('desc: ' + desc); console.log('link: ' + link); console.log('qty: ' + qty); console.log('price: ' + price); images += "[url=\"" + link + "\"]" + "[img]" + image + "[/img][/url] "; str += qty + " x " + "[url=\"" + link + "\"]" + desc + "[/url] " + "[b][COLOR=\"Yellow\"]" + price + "[/COLOR][/b]"; if(qty > 1) { str += " [b][COLOR=\"DarkOrange\"](" + total + ")[/COLOR][/b]"; } str += "\n"; } } /* shipping costs */ var shipping = rows[rows.length - 3]; var shippingCells = shipping.getElementsByTagName('td'); var shippingValue = shippingCells[2].textContent; /* grand total */ var total = document.getElementById('orderTotal'); var totalCells = total.getElementsByTagName('td'); var totalValue = totalCells[2].textContent; console.log('Total: ' + totalValue + "(shipping " + shippingValue + ")"); str += "[b]Total : [COLOR=\"Yellow\"]" + totalValue + "[/COLOR][/b] " + "(includes shipping : " + shippingValue + ").\n"; /* thumbnails*/ if(thumbnails == 'yes') str += "\n" + images + "\n\n"; console.log(str); window.clipboardData.setData("Text",str); })();
/*end of function */
Can you try this bookmarklet.
Basically, create a new shortcut in your favorite bar, and past the code (the first line in the code block) in place of the URL. Should do the same as the other script, but it is slightly different.
This one doesn't gives you code but copies the BB code block directly into the clipboard, like the old chrome extension used to do.