Multiple Star Trek shows in the Making

Thing is the next generation, Voyager, Deep Space 9 was so good everything else that has followed has been pretty much pap.
Once again, so much potential, sequels just end up falling flat.

I liked Beyond. It was a big like a huge budget episode of the show though (if that makes sense)

I imagine that the diminishing returns for Paramount are the real issue.

Star Trek: Beyond made about $340 million Worldwide with a budget of $185 million. Considering the marketing budget would have been massive as well, it under-performed.

Star Trek made $385 million against a production budget of $150 million.

That's a net difference of $80 million.
This video on youtube explains why simon peggs star trek beyond bombed

Pretty much the people involved in getting star trek beyond made did not profit, they attempted PR push of bringing back pine and helmsworth for the 4th trek adventure but were promised much bigger salaries which they could not deliver and were asked to take pay cuts, Spock bounced also. License time limit is also up so trek may revert back to CBS if a new treks not made soon, no investor wants to lose any money on trek at this point.

I think its basically gone like nemesis again sadly, too much trek attempting to be bigger and better then the last time just isn't working !
Thing is the next generation, Voyager, Deep Space 9 was so good everything else that has followed has been pretty much pap.

Thought it was good at the time but now I couldnt watch it.
Other shows like firefly, stargate and farscape (for some reason) I find are much more rewatchable
Never understood the love for firefly myself, Farscape though was underrated i really should watch that again, it was one of those shows that i watched if it was on and lost continuity of it all another one was Andromeda but the engineer bloke was annoying.
Never understood the love for firefly myself, Farscape though was underrated i really should watch that again, it was one of those shows that i watched if it was on and lost continuity of it all another one was Andromeda but the engineer bloke was annoying.

Farscape is my all time favourite scifi.
Characters a seemed real. In that they ask had their flaws.
Thing is the next generation, Voyager, Deep Space 9 was so good everything else that has followed has been pretty much pap.

well thats pretty debatable.
The first 2 seasons of tng were garbage. Voyager was mostly crap with a handful of good episodes and i thought ds9 was crap.

people put star trek on a pedestal but an awful lot of it was rubbish.
I have to agree about the first two series, mostly rubbish with the smattering of good episodes. I enjoyed Voyager from series three also, DS9 I never really liked. Enterprise was mostly a disaster.
Ds9, TNG, Voyager, enterprise, ToS would be my preference but I 100% loved ds9 for its varied and unique characters and storylines, not many trek shows did the time travel part right, sure picard met kirk upon taking on the mantle, but Captain sisko and his crew met Captain kirk literally on his enterprise.

Not even seen the discovery yet but hear they are making another discovery spin off series for that one too.

Its such a shame trek films are probably canned for now but the old formula of bigger and better baddie then last outing was getting so old and boring and I am surprised no writers/producers noticed that trend, with CGI and technology I would have preferred a mish mash time travel film with all shows and cast popping up or have reality shattering alien species and bring in a giant epic war blast combining the kelvin universe and original universe cast.
sure picard met kirk upon taking on the mantle, but Captain sisko and his crew met Captain kirk literally on his enterprise.
I think it was McCoy that was in Encounter at Farpoint, the pilot episode, not Kirk. I think Scotty was in a later episode. Spok was in TNG too.
My poor wording, meant film wise on generations and tng taking on the big screen mantle, McCoy was a treat to see on encounter at far point nice send off really.

Spock and Scotty were classics and I did like Sulu on voyager even if it was in a fake vulcan mind meld trip.

Apparently the new picard series is 20 years set after nemesis and revolves around the after effects of the destruction of Romulus star empire, they claim they
want a picking up the pieces type picard series but it will be a very different series and unlike trek at all.
That led to the plothole of Scotty thinking Kirk saved him, where in Generations he seen Kirk die from his perspective.

But he just assumed Kirk was simply lost ;)

Its a bit like khan knowing who chekov was despite him not even being on the enterprise till the following season, I just tell my OCD internal clock that
khan used his super genius intellect and hacked into a starfleet so knew everything anyhow, it allows me to sleep at night peacefully.
Star trek Section 31 series confirmed

Knew it..... but I kinda wish they didn't have it set in the past and prequel thing.....section 31 was one of the better storylines from Ds9 and also featured in the reboot film recently but it kinda feels it was better set in the future, I guess though it being section 31 the skys the limit and no time line or universe is limited.
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