Multiple terror attacks in Vienna

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Nah im not justifying it im simply stating a reason and suggesting that we as a country have done some horrible things on a larger scale. Why should an illegal invasion killing millions be ignored and somehow seen as acceptable?

Pretty sure we know why iraq was invaded?

The invasion of Kuwait on 2 August 1990 was a two-day operation conducted by Iraq against the neighboring State of Kuwait, which resulted in the seven-month-long Iraqi occupation of the country.[16] This invasion and Iraq's subsequent refusal to withdraw from Kuwait by a deadline mandated by the United Nations[17] led to military intervention by a United Nations-authorized coalition of forces led by the United States.
Nah im not justifying it im simply stating a reason and suggesting that we as a country have done some horrible things on a larger scale. Why should an illegal invasion killing millions be ignored and somehow seen as acceptable?

You are trying to justify it, you do it in most threads after an attack. You instantly try to divert away from the atrocity and pin blame on the west.
You are trying to justify it, you do it in most threads after an attack. You instantly try to divert away from the atrocity and pin blame on the west.

No, i usually try to deflect blame away from every day muslims. Im talking about the general unrest in the middle east which we in the west have to take some responsibility for. If you really dont think an illegal war killing millions hasnt caused unrest then ***drop the insults***.

These incidents are vile. Ive said before they are vile just like any mass murdering spree however the idea that we should round people up and put them in concentration camps is just wrong.
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If you really dont think an illegal war killing millions hasnt caused unrest then ***drop the insults***.

It caused unrest. Yes. Now you are using that as justification for these attacks in Europe. Nice resort to an insult there as well, ruins your argument really.

however the idea that we should round people up and put them in concentration camps is just wrong.

Again, please do link to this post.
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Pretty sure we know why iraq was invaded?

No. Im talking about 2003 when our prime minister claimed there were WMDs and lied.

It caused unrest. Yes. Now you are using that as justification for these attacks in Europe. Nice resort to an insult there as well, ruins your argument really.

It isnt justification. Jesus christ, what is wrong with you? I'm simply giving a reason as to why this may be happening. It isn't an insult as you clearly agreed. We as a nation cant go into other countries, bomb the hell out of it and expect nothing to happen in return. That isnt me agreeing with the killings is it?

Its disgusting and barbaric.

Again, please do link to this post.

Search for it if you want it now but the beheading thread just below this one has it.
Nah im not justifying it im simply stating a reason and suggesting that we as a country have done some horrible things on a larger scale. Why should an illegal invasion killing millions be ignored and somehow seen as acceptable?
Making stuff up now to go along with your hyperbole and hysteria?
Fighting over made up stuff should stop at 5. Islamist extremists, evangelicals, Trump supporters, flat earthers, anti-vaxxers etc... good lord what kind of madness do i live in? I knew things weren't hunky dory in the 90s but since America got butt hurt from 911(not saying 911 was right but America and their foreign policies and meddling/greed is no saint) it seems the world has become a much more horrible place.

don’t forget there was a world war 80 years ago with around 6 million jews being slaughtered. Has the world ever been a peaceful paradise?
The post explicitly referencing concentration camps eventually got deleted but followed on from the post that's still there saying 'there are other ways'
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For extremists?

No. What a bizarre thing to say. Why are you tarring everyone with some mad morons?

Please show me where I said that.
No you said that to deflect again.

If you would have met these people a few days ago.
You being you, would have called them everyday muslims.
Nah im not justifying it im simply stating a reason and suggesting that we as a country have done some horrible things on a larger scale. Why should an illegal invasion killing millions be ignored and somehow seen as acceptable?

You do know the vast vast vast majority of those deaths were Muslim on Muslim sectarian killings, right?
don’t forget there was a world war 80 years ago with around 6 million jews being slaughtered. Has the world ever been a peaceful paradise?

Or...there were an oppressive and murderous group of people (sound familiar?) with a horrendous ideology (sound familiar?) Who were intent on harming those who didn't agree with them or were seen by their ideology as being inferior(sound familiar?). The free world banded together to wipe out that ideology.
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