30 mins of fapping(
30 mins of fapping (
Save the fapping for when it's finished
Lol, I meant to say 'faffing'sounds like you were on a break
Does anyone know of any other system to Flytrex that captures GPS/time locations? The map overlay would be really useful but not interested in the badges/sharing/awards etc so seeing as it doesn't even support the A2 atm anyway does anyone know of an alternative?
it is a bit piggy but I'm getting over 10 mins flight time with the 1500s:
336g unloaded / 474g with 1500 battery.
The RCX motors are claimed to have 300g of thrust (if that is to be beloved) so even at 600g it would be at a 2:1 power ratio which is OK-ish isn't it?
What weight is yours coming in at DB?
Does anyone know of any other system to Flytrex that captures GPS/time locations? The map overlay would be really useful but not interested in the badges/sharing/awards etc so seeing as it doesn't even support the A2 atm anyway does anyone know of an alternative?
The definitive way is to check with a multimeter or cell checker if you have one.Hey all
I fully charged my phantom battery but it only lasted about 4 minutes flight, when I recharged it the second light on the charger was flashing.
Does this mean the second cell is damaged?
The definitive way is to check with a multimeter or cell checker if you have one.
This one is the price of a beer - http://www.hobbyking.co.uk/hobbyking/store/uh_viewItem.asp?idProduct=42953
As long as you have a normal LiPo like in the Phantom 1
If you have one of the proprietary Phantom 2 batteries then I have no idea.
Noppe... cant find anything on the website?