Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

Awfully neat that! Whats the spec?

@ghandi - thanks for those links at the start of this page :) Shall have a gander. What advantages does the Naze offer over a KK?
Is that the spec you use?

Yeah, that's pretty much the spec of mine except I'm running the KISS esc's from flyduino. They really are very good, but not sure they're twenty euros good!

So far, I've found the naze to be more tunable than the kk, I do feel it flies a bit better too. It's also a lot more configurable, especially with the cleanflight firmware. The flipside is that it's a bit of a steep learning curve.

Naze will let you send telemetry back to the tx or onto an osd. Will also let you use GPS, although the implementation isn't very good the mo.

Full naze also has a barometer and mag sensor for alt hold and head free modes.
I actually found the opposite, I've done a lot less tweaking with the Naze, once I got the yaw sped up to my liking, the default settings were good, but I copied a suggested setup from a FB group and haven't tweaked sincere its was spot on. On the KK I was always messing with endless configurations.

I gave a minimOSD on order, looks like a bugger to get configured.

Also hear GPS implementation for the naze isn't great, but (IMO) if you want that functionality you are prob looking for a larger quad and there are better FC options then anyway :)
Less tweaking to get it to fly well, yes. But there are more options to fiddle with to suit your flying. I never really felt like I was 100% in control of the KK, if that makes sense?

The minimOSD isn't as bad as it looks I don't think. I've set a couple up now. the first one with KVTeam and the second with MWOSD.

Did you order the one from HK?

Process for me was....

Solder the Voltage bridges on the board so it runs of 5v at both ends
Solder the PAL jumper pad
Plug it into the FTDI stick (pay careful attention to the connections!)
Upload the clearEEPROM arduino sketch
Load the MWOSD Sketch
Uncomment the line for Baseflight
Upload the MWOSD Sketch
Run the GUI config thing
Upload the Characterset
Fiddle with the settings a bit for what you want to see/use
Job done

I've only got mine to show the flight mode, RSSI and Voltage. When I had the full Naze, it also showed the ALT & HEADING. There is a software based current sensor but not sure how accurate it is.

You can also tweak the PID's and a few other settings from the OSD, which is bloomin handy in the field.

Just make sure whatever you are using to power has enough juice. My 300ma pololu 5v step down causes the OSD to brown out, but it is powering that, the RX and the Naze.
I'd like to get into FPV flight but looking at the rules and regs around it there's a lot of stuff to abide by - although if I were to go down that route I think I'd get a screen mounted to my tx rather than the fatshark type system.
Anyone looking at getting the TBS Gemini FPV Racer? I'm probably going to flog my P2 and get one of those and a decent TX/RX - Filming stuff is cool but FPV is where the fun is at. :)
Anyone looking at getting the TBS Gemini FPV Racer? I'm probably going to flog my P2 and get one of those and a decent TX/RX - Filming stuff is cool but FPV is where the fun is at. :)

It does look good. I'd be interested to know what motors they are using and the AUW.

Runs Taulabs Firmware. Looks interesting :)

$600 actually works out pretty good value too I think. You could spend that on a 250 FPV system if you weren't careful!
I got some 'Thrust Boosted' DJI 9450 props. If the weather improves Ill give them a run out on my Vision.

Im also looking at the new transmitter from DJI. Built in lipo battery (no more using AA batteries), and has a wheel for controlling the camera (up/down).

Im still waiting for my Thorax frame to turn up :(

Not sure if this interests any Phantom owners?!

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Cyclone: It can take a while as its coming from their Global warehouse, my fpv gear was sent out about 4 days after ordering, then hung around at the airport over there for a few days before finally ending up at Heathrow where it was held up by customs.
Where do folks in London fly?

I've just moved to Wandsworth and am feeling the urge to get out and fly my quads.
Richmond park looks a good option and is just down the road.
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