Now that spring is coming around and i'm moving house right next to a nice field/park I think the time is right to build my first quadcopter. I've had a couple of Syma X5c's which I enjoyedb ut broke / lost so I'm familar with flying. Now I would like a 'proper' quadcopter now. I'm after speed and maneuverability rather than a stable platform for recording aerial photography.
I was thinking of getting a kit, and building it myself.
The kit
Transmitter and Receiver
Extra Battery
Battery Charger
How does this look? I would be looking to go FPV in the future.
How much tinkering with my PC would I have to do? I'm happy to do some to learn how to tweak a quadcopter. What do you actually set/change/configure when you connect the quad copter to the PC?
** Please note, I am no expert, nor "racing" pilot, I just fly for my own amusement **
Some thoughts:
Kit - no idea about that frame, looks good enough. Power train is good, nothing amazing but the motors are solid performers and the exact motor/ESC combo served me well on my ZMR 250
TX/RX - Spend a bit more on a module based radio. FlySky is all well and good, but when you decide the way forward is FrSky, you're SOL. Also, don't discount throwing in a DSM2/X module to fly some micro/BNF stuff too

Battery - No qualms here. You probably want a couple more though!
Charger - Yuk! You need one that at least supports discharge/storage charge. We've all been there - you charge your lipos ready to go and then it rains for a week solid... Storage charging preserves the life of the pack and can reduce the chance of a fiery surprise. A Turnigy Accucell 6 is probably the better option for a first charger IMO
Tinkering - this is where the fun/frustration loop begins! Modern FCs are a relative dream to program/flash. USB + PC + Cleanflight (Chrome app). Loads of help on here and RCGroups if you need it, youtube is awash with how too videos too.