Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

Tbh I'd need to get a tape measure out. I probably only do 30-50ft purely because the wind last one and flew it off to Neverland.

I'll try and do an actual test if I can.
Right, just noticed the H11D I put a bid on earlier on the bay, has a postage charge of £30 from China. For the price of my bid and postage combined even a couple of days before the auction ends, I could buy one cheaper from a UK source. So I've requested the seller cancel my bid (I know its a bit unusual to ask that but I really, honestly didn't notice the postage cost when I hit the 'Place Bid' button).

As a result, I've managed to bag the other Quadcopter I was watching which is a Propel Sonic. It's listed on a few sites at £129 and I've managed to pick it up for half that price as its seller refurbished. Comes with a 12 month RTB warranty though so fingers crossed theres no issues. Had a look online and there isn't a huge amount of info on them but Propel seem to get good press from what little reviews and videos I can find on them.
Having a bit of a battery issue with my Phantom 2. Specifically, one of my three batteries doesn't seem to want to charge.

It is sitting on 65 cycles and 79% life left. When I plug it into the charger, the charger light remains green and no lights on the battery itself illuminate. Ive tried turning it on first, but that doesn't seem to let it charge either. There is 15% charge in the battery at the moment, so it's not completely dead.

Any tricks I can try?
That race was featured on BBC's Click. You can find it on iPlayer under the News channel.

What are the top "Follow me" quadcopters out their at the moment? I'm considering an Airdog, not totally sold on it yet.

I have previously bought a Zano (not in the same league), but we all know how that turned out.
Folks, my Propel HD Video Drone arrived today. So I charged up the battery fully and went through the start up sequence as described in the manual. However, after I start the rotor blades and push up on the left stick to take off, it refuses to do so. All it does is slightly lift 3 of its legs off the ground by a couple of cm and sit there with its rotors spinning? Any ideas? I went through something called 'calibration' which was mentioned in the manual but it doesn't seem to have made any difference?

So frustrated. :(

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Are you pressing both sticks down then inwards ? :p

Yes m8, and then the rotors spin. But it just lifts up slightly and sort of tilts towards one of the arms/motors.

Also, I noticed the blades have letters 'A' or 'B' on the undersides and they are fitted in this way, is that correct?

More pictures!!

Manual shows this is the way to install blades, but orientated the same way as the manual, my blades look different?


The picture just shows the same image rotated, they haven't mirrored it. Spin the props slowly and check they are "scooping" air down. The leading edge should be the highest, like an aeroplane wing.

Edit: Chinglish manuals are a given in this hobby. Even some high end stuff I've bought has come with hilariously translated manuals, or none at all!
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