Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

It was the controls that went... video stayed connected til it crashed.

Heard the controller announce it had lost connection and everything went haywire... I thought one of the propellers had fallen off or something... but nope.

What's the damage?

You might check that the antenna is plugged in properly.

if the quad is still alive you could try the range test mode on the TX:
Go to Model Setup.
Scroll down to Internal RF.
Three lines down you will see "[Range]". Select it.

That puts the transmitter into reduced power range test mode.

Range in the air should be approximately 30X what you get in this mode.

My 3" spins up when I arm, my 5" doesn't. It depends on your settings in betaflight.
there is a MOTOR_STOP option which does what you would expect, or the low point of your throttle is slightly lower than the startup level of your motors.

Think I worded it badly, yeah currently I have mine set to arm and spin at X rate, when I switch the switch the rate drops and turns them off. Just wasn't sure if it's good practice or not, as obviously when you're in the air and you put the throttle down the motors will still be spinning...make sense?

But yeah, need to tune it more, or purchase new ESCs and FC, running my cc3d still haha

Also, first time using an air gate the other day
Nice work with the videos, hoping to do similar with the new quad which turned up today. $5 flat rate from armattan is quite reasonable on delivery times about 5 working days.

Dingo 6" seems to be very good quality the carbon is the same as armattan. 4mm base plate and 5mm arms. Just waiting on a new reciever now.
I might have missed it but has anyone done their PFCO for the CAA on here ? It's something i'm looking at doing, think i'll learn a surprising amount and will let me be insured for the use of it, at the moment i've yet to find an insurer who will touch you without it.
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