oh right, I'll just chuck it out and buy a charger that can run off of mains then
Blade 350qx if its for some fun and filming, they have used it on the Gadget show for their aerial shots and it is £100+ cheaper than a DJI which means you can spend more on FPV, Gimbal, etc.
Cheapest I have seen it for is £318 RTF
I'd think that even a cheapish powersupply should be more than adequate for an entry level balance charger.
Nice! Are flight times comparable to the phantom? Can I uprate anything on the 350QX to extend flight time?
Some reviews online say the stock props are awful. Does the 350QX have auto stability etc like the Phantom? The Phantom can be had for £349 it seems...
Very little I would say.
The capacitors in these things pack a good punch (not enough to kill you) but will be enough for slight burns and a bit of pain
Wear some rubber gloves if you can, you'll be fine.
Edit: PinkFloyd is right however, if you wanted a proper PSU (with a switch, power light, banana plug jacks etc) then you need to open it up.
Disclaimer: I shall not be held responsible for any death, injury or suffering you, your family, pets and sheep may be subjected too following those two links
Negative throttle?