Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

My Li-Po's sit on my desk as well, didn't think they couldn't randomly decide to explode. I thought there was only a risk when charging or fast discharging ie in aggresive flight.
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Received the Parrott AR Drone 2 for Christmas. Pretty cool gadget. Are there any mods that should be considered absolutely essential? I've already upgraded the battery.
Soldering iron, steady hands.

I thought the cables crimped into small pins which were pushed into the plugs? Already have a soldering iron etc :)

BTW it looks like I have a faulty iOSD Mini.. Checked wiring and made sure I soldered the cables the right way around and now I'm getting exactly the same issue as this:

Damn it... mail sent to supplier. :(
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I want to pick up x3 more lipo's maybe x4... the 350 qx takes as standard 2200mah LiPo 3S 30c with an EC3 connector.

Where do you buy your LiPo's from to get the best price for your money?

Looking on eBay and other places it seems batteries with EC3 connectors are more expensive than Deans or XT60's are they easy enough to convert? (5 connectors cost £3ish)
I want to pick up x3 more lipo's maybe x4... the 350 qx takes as standard 2200mah LiPo 3S 30c with an EC3 connector.

Where do you buy your LiPo's from to get the best price for your money?

Looking on eBay and other places it seems batteries with EC3 connectors are more expensive than Deans or XT60's are they easy enough to convert? (5 connectors cost £3ish)

If you don't want to solder EC3s to your new batteries, you could just buy an XT60 to EC3 adapter. Hobbyking do hard wired ones in packs of 3. I'd put a link here but the site seems to be down.
I got my first overlander at with the 350 qx which are at the same price for 2 after shipping.

Just thought it was weird that you can pick up decent battery's with other connectors for cheaper.
saw that and for some reason it doesn't do it for me... I gues because I imagine a Tri not being as stable as a quad+ so camera would be more prone to jello, etc. Also being lighter might mean its less capable in windy environments. I like the folding idea but you could figure out a way to have a folding quad/hex/oct so the only really benefit I see is the longer flight time... but its not worth the sacrifice... so it comes across as gimicky.
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Spec me up!


So if somebody had say, £3k to spend on a multirotor system for AP/AV use what would you spend it on? I understand not a lot of cash to play with for a *professional* system but I'm sure it can be done for the cash!

Must be complete, include TX/RX, OSD, VTX/RX/ Batteries Charger etc.

Currently looking at a Tarot T960, T-motor 3515-15 400kv, 16 or 17inch props, Foxtech gimbal, overlander 6100mah 6s Batteries or similar!

Doesn't need to include Camera btw!

This will be a working set-up btw, so needs to be quality components!
Quick selfie before weather gets bad


Which camera is that and did you add the blur afterwards?

Also, brush those stones back onto your front... area... :p
LOL, I keep brushing them back but the kids kick them :)

It's just stills from Gopro Black set to take a still every 1sec then the new tilt shift filter in Photoshop CS6... tilt shift is abit cheesy and the photos didn't need it but I like the effect :)

One thing I did find is my overweight Phantom 1 in this cold and old batterys doesn't fly very long, was getting low voltage flashing at just 4.5mins. Roll on May and gonna get a Phantom 2
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Like it Russinating :-)

Alexcheese.. Do it mate. I used to fly helis and dabbled in planes, but these multis with FPV are a massive leap in fun, and so easy to fly
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