Multirotor, multicopter and quadcopter discussion - The Drone thread

Something small, the smaller it is the easier it is to flip etc as there's far less moment of inertia.

A lot people build their own acro frames as you'll crash far more often being able to make a new arm out of a bit of 10x10mm wood is far cheaper. On the other hand you can get a Teslaquad from a guy called teslahead on he even has a list of recommended components too.

Thanks very much, I'll take a look!
Just spotted the super basic hobbyking FC is only £3.95... Tempted to order one and some other really cheap parts just for a bit of fun whilst building a new serious one!
Believe it based on the KK1 so imagine it is more than good enough for something for basic accro flying :)
Indeed. It's fab.

I'll be trusting £5k of multirotor to mine. I have complete confidence in the radio after logging many hours with my Phantom and F550 using it.
I used to use Spektrum DX8 but I ditched it after I tried the Taranis and realised just how good it is.

why did you ditch the DX8 over the Taranis for ?
Hearing lots of good things about the Taranis Tx. Who makes it? Is it a HK product?

Not that there's anything wrong with my Futaba 8FG which has been rock solid, but if I was to ever get another Tx on a budget then I'd give this "Taranis" thing a look in from what I've read on here alone.

Edit: it's a FrSky Tx I see... what are the Rx's like? Price wise? One thing about my 8FG is that Futaba don't do cheap "park" Rx's on the FASST technology, do a few on FHSS tho :(
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The rxs are good. The X8R is the one you want. 16 channels for less than £30. It can work either as 16 channels via S-Bus, 8 via S-Bus and 8 traditional, or just 8 traditional.

I've got 3 of them now. One in each of my craft (Phantom, F550 and S800 EVO).

why did you ditch the DX8 over the Taranis for ?

8 channels vs 16 on the Taranis. 1 analogue knob vs 4 on the Taranis. Much easier to program as it doesn't assume I want to configure a heli or plane so I can set every switch to do whatever I want.
The DX8 is a nice radio but very limited compared to the Taranis.
which receivers go with the Taranis

going to cost it up as i need 2 receivers, one for quad and one for my heli
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What do people recommend heli wise after flying something like a hubsan x4? Would a Blade 120 sr be the way to go as opposed to an mcpx or blade 130?
What do people recommend heli wise after flying something like a hubsan x4? Would a Blade 120 sr be the way to go as opposed to an mcpx or blade 130?

im building my own hk450 v2 its a clone on the Trex 450, think its more enjoyable building it then buying one RTF
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Well I've spent most of the day messing with the FrSky Taranis, and I have mixed opinions.

There's nothing it can't do as far as a radio goes, but user friendly it is most definitely not. I spent ages trying to set up a helicopter from scratch. Even getting a pitch channel is a google job. Then you need 6 curves if you want 3 flight modes (3 for throttle, 3 for pitch), all of which is done by mixes, and another mix for throttle hold (or you could use yet another curve). No just choosing helicopter, and it doing it all for you with nice menus already set up. There's no way I'd have been able to get it to work without the Companion9X software to test it out on.

It badly needs a more user friendly interface to sit over all this low-level type stuff. As it's open source, I don't see any reason that this can't happen.

I eventually managed to set it up with my simulator (Phoenix), and while the gimbals aren't bad, they're noticeably not as nice as those in my DX8. Another thing I noticed, is that both sticks have equal travel. Usually the throttle stick has a shorter throw. The DX6i is another radio that has the same throw on both sticks.

@FunkyCowie: That second link is a duratool case from CPC. They're <£30 delivered. My Dad has one for his DJI Phantom.
Interesting post that. How big/small is the community / open source scene for these things?
I suppose it's only a matter of time before some knocks up a decent overlay!
For Bigpops saying that has put me off getting one, I want to get a simple but good transmitter not somethink that will annoy me.

Ive looked at the Dx7s can get it locally for 179 with receiver but the other option I have is to get the controller by it self and then get compatible receivers from HK
For Bigpops saying that has put me off getting one, I want to get a simple but good transmitter not somethink that will annoy me.

Ive looked at the Dx7s can get it locally for 179 with receiver but the other option I have is to get the controller by it self and then get compatible receivers from HK

DX7s is a cut-down DX8 pretty much. Same case, gimbals, GUI, just fewer switch options, no back light (which isn't needed out doors anyway), and one less channel.

As for the Spektrum Vs Orange receivers. I put it down to what they'll be installed in. While I do use both myself, all the expensive stuff has Spektrum receivers in it, and the Orange Rx go in the cheap stuff.

I've had no problems with either, it's just for my own piece of mind, but buy DSMX stuff and not DSM2.
DX7s is a cut-down DX8 pretty much. Same case, gimbals, GUI, just fewer switch options, no back light (which isn't needed out doors anyway), and one less channel.

As for the Spektrum Vs Orange receivers. I put it down to what they'll be installed in. While I do use both myself, all the expensive stuff has Spektrum receivers in it, and the Orange Rx go in the cheap stuff.

I've had no problems with either, it's just for my own piece of mind, but buy DSMX stuff and not DSM2.
Interesting. Any reason for the Orange Rx in the cheap stuff? I fly Orange Rx's in all my planes and they've been rock solid (FASST though, not this Spektrum rubbish :D)
I'm puzzled - are you not using the stock motors and props on the phantom? You should just be able to remove the bolt from the top and remove the propeller.

Have the stock and Phantom 2 props but I can't see any obvious way of removing the central metal screw bit without damaging the blades :confused:
Had my X4 delivered yesterday so I just need to get some batteries for the controller and let fly the dogs of destruction! Pillow over the TV should do the trick :p
Well I've spent most of the day messing with the FrSky Taranis, and I have mixed opinions.

There's nothing it can't do as far as a radio goes, but user friendly it is most definitely not.

This is exactly why I opted for the DX8. While the Taranis seems to be feature rich, it seems to be difficult to setup and also difficult to obtain, which doesnt bode well for spares.
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