Murder of 87 year old in the street

Bold words from someone who doesn't know how to use the copy/paste function to post a link.

You do realise that the police are not responsible for the trying or sentencing of criminals? Surely you know that right?

The police are not responsible for putting people in prison.

Try again

And you do know that it's the police force that are legally obliged to investigate and arrest scum this?
So this has to be done before they get a few years in a retirement home(prison)

So your point is moot.
I know just where you are coming from deuse, but I see that those that clutch at straws want to suggest you meant the POLICE don't put the perpetrators in prison, where the more rounded would realise you meant once the police had presented the cases to the CPS for consideration for trial, and then the CPS agreed to a trial being desirable, and the courts slowly doing their duty, the courts were then found judgementally lacking in severity of sentencing, given the seriousness of the crimes that the defendants were duly found guilty of.

There are those here who (for whatever reason) feel obliged to avoid unilateral condemnation of these perverts.

Thank you.
And a great post
And you do know that it's the police force that are legally obliged to investigate and arrest scum this?
So this has to be done before they get a few years in a retirement home(prison)

So your point is moot.

Arrest and charge (depending of the evidence). Yes.

Try, prosecute and imprison? No. That would be the CPS, Court Service and then the Prison service.

It's not a moot point. It's a very important distinction. It's weird how 'patriots' have zero clue how their country actually works...
Arrest and charge (depending of the evidence). Yes.

Try, prosecute and imprison? No. That would be the CPS, Court Service and then the Prison service.

It's not a moot point. It's a very important distinction. It's weird how 'patriots' have zero clue how their country actually works...
Wasn't there some study that showed that more native Brits would fail the Citizenship Test that foreigners have to take, than would pass?
Wasn't there some study that showed that more native Brits would fail the Citizenship Test that foreigners have to take, than would pass?

Well there was definitely a BBC study showing that for £2000 immigrants could be supplied with a hidden earpiece and fed the correct answers by criminals, maybe the very same ones orchestrating record levels of illegals being landed at Dover...

So you get your information from youtube and Facebook. That answers a lot. (is this one ok mods? Its is incredibly difficult to deal with the resident racist troll without insulting him?)

Not having a television, complex as that limitation may be to you, does not mean one is limited to YouTube or Facebook as sources of news or information. Feel free to insult me, if it makes you feel better, but it won't make what you have written any less ridiculous.
Not having a television, complex as that limitation may be to you, does not mean one is limited to YouTube or Facebook as sources of news or information. Feel free to insult me, if it makes you feel better, but it won't make what you have written any less ridiculous.
I think it makes some of us feel better. You're not a very nice person and have quite terrible views. I don't know where that leaves us.
Choosing when to speak up when someone else always speaks up is a pretty good life skill, I think. That was the better lesson mummy mags taught me :)

Also, The Beths!

e: mummy mags is my new band name.

You can have it but only if I can do the band art.

It will only consist of scantily clad warrior women riding mythical beasts and tigers. The women will have laser beams firing from their nipples.
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