Muse - The Resistance

Comments about I prefered "X" album are all well and good but show a complete naivety about how music works. I hear it a lot about the Arctic Monkeys and Muse amongst other bands but people cry that they should keep producing a certain sound again and again and again. Why? What will this acheive? Nothing except sales for two maybe three albums at a push before people get bored and then perversley change their complaint from one of not reproducing their own favourite sound to one of "well they don't develop and do anything interesting"

Its all well and good having your favourite certain sound that an artist may produce, I have this with Bob Dylan, Beatles, Kings of Leon and the above mentioned Muse and Arctic Monkeys amongst others. However I do not want them to produce the same stuff over and over again because I would quickly get bored.

Bands can become big sellers by producing the same stuff over and over but some bands aspire to a lot more than this. Muse strikes me as one of these bands, the sort of band that seems not too fussed about being the biggest sellers and the most well known band out there. They want to experiment with their own music and embrace all forms of music and are brave enough and comfortable with their own sound to go out their and do this. Personally I have a lot more respect for bands that go out there and do this.

If you prefer a certain era of a bands music then you are probably more attached to that certain era of music in general and I would imagine listen to a lot more bands of that era who produced a similar sound. Nothing wrong with this at all but at the same time do not begrudge a band who want to develop and make a name for themselves rather than staying in a rut (if a good sounding and probably extremely profitable rut)

Specifically on this album I love it. I have listened to Muse from the start but I am not one of those who decries everything after the first couple of albums. I like how the band has developed, every album feels like a story, like a great big adventure and I can happily sit and listen to their albums from start to finish without having to skip tracks. The three Exogenesis track are quite simply brilliant and for some reason I really like the Resistance track, very catchy song.

9/10 good effort lads!
I actually don't think Muse have changed their style hugely from their last album. The biggest change they did was changing the lyrical themes from mostly unrequited love to political criticism. That's why I think so many people continue to like OoS - the angsty teenager in us all can relate to it.
Sigh... This album. I can't think of much positive to say about it.
Even the packaging annoys me, it has to go in the pile of "doesn't fit correctly in the rack" CDs... :(
Sigh... This album. I can't think of much positive to say about it.
Even the packaging annoys me, it has to go in the pile of "doesn't fit correctly in the rack" CDs... :(

Only if you were suckered into the DVD version, that is probably up on youtube already :p

I had to laugh at the £60 boxset version, what a complete waste of money!

And yes, that's coming from somebody who owned every single Muse 7" including a signed Muscle Museum with Chris' phone number in it. I made a tidy profit from that lot. There is no point in owning something for the sake of it.
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I bought the Limited Edition Version!
I actually think it was a worthwhile purchase!

The 5.1 dvd is brilliant, and I cannot wait to try out the vinyls.
Oops :o:p

Out of curiosity, does anybody else now feel slightly embarrassed by absolution? I find many of the lyrics to be really cringe worthy due to their over-angst. I really feel like I have grown out of it.

I think you're one of the few people who actually thinks about the meaning behind the lyrics :p
I think you're one of the few people who actually thinks about the meaning behind the lyrics :p


Furthermore, I think I just relate the album to the time it came out and when I felt I could relate to those lyrics... oh dear, what an embarrassing time of my life :o :D

Absolution track said:
She doesn't love me,
My life really sucks,
How will I cope,
It's the end of the world
Oops :o:p

Out of curiosity, does anybody else now feel slightly embarrassed by absolution? I find many of the lyrics to be really cringe worthy due to their over-angst. I really feel like I have grown out of it.

Matt Bellemy's lyrics have always been cringe worthy, KoC lyrics are those that a child would be proud of.

Just listened to the new album fully again, and it's worse than I first thought. The only saving grace is the final 3 tracks which are just showcasing Bellemy's musical talent....

They are at thier best when they are hitting us hard with the likes of Stockholm Syndrome, Hysteria, Citizen Erased, Hyper Music and Muscle museum.
I wouldn't put it as Muse's very best, IMO that would be Showbiz.

But such is the high quality of what they produce that it was always going to be a tall order.

For me, Showbiz (9.5/10) > OOS (9/10) > Absolution (9/10) > Resistance (8.5/10) > BHAR (8.5/10).
I really enjoyed the album. MK Ultra gives me goosebumps.

To those slating Muse in comparison to other "big" bands, I never liked Oasis or U2 much - I find them boring. Point being, it's a personal taste. I would prefer to listen to any Muse album over Definitely Maybe.

That said, I hope the next album is a return to their rockier style :)
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