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Originally posted by asim
To believe in it is as bad as not believing in it?

Ok forget that. I believe in God. Allah. And nothing can turn me away from that. Everything that was ever written in the quraan is true. Has come true. And will continue to happen. Its like telling the future. No scientist can explain it. And there is no way to say that its a fluke. Or a joke or anything like that.

The holy Quraan has it all and thats more than enough for me.

And now i sleep.

I thought it was the Koran?
Originally posted by Altered Corpse
As for the Muslim religion i really can't understand any of it. For example i've got a Muslim friend that is gay, in the Muslim religion this is not allowed, however he has said there is nothing he can do about it. Which is fair enough, as it is accepted in the western world that being gay is not something you can change - the Muslim religion seems to think the complete oposite though.

m8 its a simple religion to follow...simple rules....simple life is the basis behind Islam...

as for ur mate being gay.,...well that is deffo against sorry but if he thinks hes gay then fair not one to judge people on their sexuality or anything else for that matter...but plain simple m8...homosexuality is strictly forbidden in our religion....
Originally posted by Gilly
Ah. I see :)

Don't understand how anyone can place absolute faith in a holy book tbh, but that's their lookout :)

well gilly thats a hard one to answer....i believe in it cos its my wot other religions believe in is entirely up to them...but like asim previously said....some things that have happened have happened because it said so in the Holy Quran...and our book was written thousands of yrs ago by our holy prophet....and to this day even scientists etc are now looking at our Quran in a different light...

but anyways im not here to make u guys convert....far from it...:D

im just letting u know some of the basic stuff that revolves around Islam...and i do sincerely hope that people can respect this...if i have said anything to offend people then im truly sorry...but i do feel very strong bout my religion and will stand up for it...

i do hope this makes it to the GD Archive...:D
Originally posted by asim
To believe in it is as bad as not believing in it?

Ok forget that. I believe in God. Allah. And nothing can turn me away from that. Everything that was ever written in the quraan is true. Has come true. And will continue to happen. Its like telling the future. No scientist can explain it. And there is no way to say that its a fluke. Or a joke or anything like that.

The holy Quraan has it all and thats more than enough for me.

And now i sleep.

But there are loads of things that haven't come true, either yet or never. Anyone can predict the things mentioned, such as Nostrdamous (sp?) even specified dates of certain things - but that is where he went wrong.

Are you going to start worshiping the creator of Star Trek? The chances are a lot of the things metioned in it are going to come true. Sci-fi writers have "predicted" a lot of technology advancments that we are now using today. There is absolutely nothing amazing about the Quarann just as there is nothing amazing about what sci-fi writers do, anyone can make such predictions.

In the end if there was a god (and i'm certainly not saying there is) i'm sure that he would be wise enough to understand that if he gave us the ability to make choices and always question facts and opinions i'm sure he would understand that believing in god shouldn't be possible for us.
Originally posted by The_Spawn
well gilly thats a hard one to answer....i believe in it cos its my wot other religions believe in is entirely up to them...but like asim previously said....some things that have happened have happened because it said so in the Holy Quran...and our book was written thousands of yrs ago by our holy prophet....and to this day even scientists etc are now looking at our Quran in a different light...

but anyways im not here to make u guys convert....far from it...:D

im just letting u know some of the basic stuff that revolves around Islam...and i do sincerely hope that people can respect this...if i have said anything to offend people then im truly sorry...but i do feel very strong bout my religion and will stand up for it...

i do hope this makes it to the GD Archive...:D

I can't believe that anything in here has offended anyone. For it to do so would be far too close-minded to be on note anyway :)

So the Koran/Quran? Thats a prophecy then? Much like Nostradamus' notes?
Originally posted by Jono
The reason I don't eat dogs is because they're generally kept as pets, and loved like a member of the family, which I guess they are.
I don't keep pigs, sheep, cows etc so I eat them. IF I did have a pet pig/sheep then I don't think I'd want to eat it.

Do far eastern countries tend not to keep dogs/cats as pets, or do they just eat them anyway? There can't be THAT much meat on them, surely...unless you're talking about a mastiff or something ;)

Ignorance is a "bliss" I no longer wish to have. Tell us more :)

I need to clear some things up.. not all people in Far Eastern countries eat dogs, don't let the crap the media tell you think that way. It really made me angry when newspapers were making jokes about Koreans eating dogs during the World Cup, not all Koreans eat dogs.

Some people (a small minority) in China eat dogs. Not sure about Japan and other South East Asian countries, but I don't think they do.

In China, Korea, etc people do have cats/dogs as pets but its not widespread compared to Western countries.

People who are Buddhist are not allowed to eat dogs because it is seen as unclean/disgusting.
Originally posted by Gilly
I can't believe that anything in here has offended anyone. For it to do so would be far too close-minded to be on note anyway :)

So the Koran/Quran? Thats a prophecy then? Much like Nostradamus' notes?

more or less gilly....its hard to explain wot the Quran is..some say its a story...but i dont think it is...i would say its more a book on our way of life etc...the islamic way of life...our duties as a good muslim etc etc...the way our prophets lived their life preaching in a way it is a bit of story book amongst other things....

as for nostradamus..thast a completely different kettle of fish...he made certain assumptions or had certain dreams about wot was going to happen...some of it came true..some of it hasnt....i still havent quite figured the whole nostradamus thing out...

anyways found a site that probably gives a lot more info without it coming across as a propaganda machine etc...its where i go to get my info from should i ever need it...hope u enjoy....its quite insightful....:D
there are a bunch of people in Southeast Asia who call themselves 'Exotic Food Lovers'. These exotic foods include dogs, snakes, bull testicles, etc... there were emails circulating a few years ago about babies who died through abortions/miscarriages that were cooked and eaten with soup. Most of these foods are thought to have positive medicinal properties, especially for men's dongs. Sorta like traditional Viagra.

But i assume that only a small percentage of S.E.Asians fall in this vategory. And yes, it does happen, not media BS. I'm from Malaysia, and I've seen places that offer these foods.
Oh yea you do hajj if you are fit to do it. Basically if you arent physically capable then you dont have to. Thats what ive been told.

It is said that once we have the ability financially and physically to go to Hajj then it our right to go because once you lose your physical ability or financial ability thenyou have to answer to allah when you die about why you never took that chance. This is what ive been told and that you only need to go to Hajj once in your life to clear your lifes sins no matter how large they were. This is why the elderly go mainly.

Women can also go to Hajj but only on one condition, that they go with a man that she cannot marry ie: Brother/Uncle/Father or if she is married then her husband also etc.

It is hard trying to keep up with religion all the time, your parents were raised completely differently, socially and culturally so they do not know what it is like today for young people to follow the same oute and you find yourself questioning religions worth the older you go from about the age of 10.

One thhing that really annoys me is the lack of respect for other religions though, granted everyone can have their pinion but I have seen and experienced when parents do not allow you to learn about other religions at school (RE) and instead of doing that lesson we are allowed off. I feel it wouldbe a right to learn about other religions, not to follow but to gain knowledge about them and different cultures and compare the differences form your own. This I believe is slowly fading away though.

I have nothing against any other man or his religion/habits. If my mates drink or do whatever in front of me or if we are out then i respect that, that's their decision and not mine.

Also there is the major bummer no sex before marraige thing which not many parents tell you about but society makes it obvious. I can understand why sometimes but then it just beats the fun out of life as a youth I guess :|
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Originally posted by Gilly
Ah. I see :)

Don't understand how anyone can place absolute faith in a holy book tbh, but that's their lookout :)

What about the people who religiously follow those yearly FHM mini guides to life? :D
mrk let me just get this out of the way, I love your sig!

I think doing RE lessons are great, it certainly opens up my perceptions about other faiths. IMO it is needed to closen the barrier of ignorance which can potentially be harmful, one very good example was a discussion happening right here. There was a thread where someone saw a turbanned person who wore their kirpan (sword) in traditional attire. A frenzy started by gibbo iirc about how the person was a terrorist, he should call the police, why else would he carry a knife around blah blah blah.

If you learnt anything about Sikhism in RE then you would know a lot more about our customs, it helps a great deal in the multiculutural society of ours.
When I first went to Turkey about 12 years ago, I ended up going to a muslim funeral, completely by accident, I was invited as I passed the cemetary, I only went for an early morning walk:eek: I had to wash myself appropriately before I entered, I joined in prayers, and then was offered to tip earth into the grave. It was a very humbling experience, and one that will live with me forever. The local people told me they always treat visitors(peaceful;) ) to their country as messengers of god. I was also told that if I returned to the village of Hisaranu in years to come, I would be remembered and made very welcome. This wonderful hospitality, caused me to read the Koran when I returned home, and I found it very similar to the Christian bible. My experience of the muslim people in their own land has been a very heart warming one. I believe that religion is a wonderful thing , and only it's manipulation to rule the masses by certain leaders has tarnished it. As the great man Dave Allen used to say " may your god go with you, whoever he may be":)
Originally posted by gurdas

There was a thread where someone saw a turbanned person who wore their kirpan (sword) in traditional attire. A frenzy started by gibbo iirc about how the person was a terrorist, he should call the police, why else would he carry a knife around blah blah blah.

That person was me - about the kirpan....but after doing some research about a kirpan it was blatantly a machete. Nothing came of it and I've never seen any of them again. It wasn't a frenzy was it? :) I'm sure it was people such as your good self explaining the significance of a the kirpan as religious dress and some people arguing that it was dangerous....anyway that's all over now :D

Is there an unbastardised version of the Quran in English? I'm really unreligious myself.....well I don't believe in any one thing, I'm certainly not open to brainwashing, but i'm not closed to everything either. I'd like to know more about these religions, especially as I pretty much ignored everything at the frankly poor school RE lessons. May as well find out for myself. :)

If you learnt anything about Sikhism in RE then you would know a lot more about our customs, it helps a great deal in the multiculutural society of ours.

Couldn't agree more
Makes me feel all fuzzy, you can feel the love :D

I didn't take much notice of the RE lessons at school either. I don't think it's something that anyone can force you to learn (outside your own culture).

I did, however, have quite a mixed set of people at school with me, and so learned from them merely by what was done by them on a day-to-day basis.

Given the time I would like to look into some of the things school should have taught me, but unfortunately I just don't have the time to spare atm.
Oh the other thing is when u read the koran u have take a few steps before u do, ie be fully washed (ablution).

And not be eatin a bacon sarnie and drikin a can of stella at the same time:D :p
Cant keep a dog if your muslim. And i cant remember why.

U can actually another one of the myths that some uneducated parents pass on, u just have to be clean all the time and keep separate dishes etc

On the jihad point, i had a massive argument with a guy in a mosque about this, he was going around, we should be fighting etc it is jihad etc, first of all jihad means `to bring change upon and around oneself` this could be within the person,done by the word, it is not only going out there fighting etc.

Secondly there isnt anoyone to declare a jihad in the world atm, as there is no one leader which represents the muslim peeps.

Women, this is more to do with cultural aspects than religious ones, if u look thro the koran u will see women had equal rights in everything, they only they had to cover their hair and body, they can work and do anything, if u goto places like jordan, or other mid east countries u will see women working etc no probs, its only in this country where backward pakistani villiagers treat there women like dirt, which infact is against the religion.
Originally posted by wohoo
Oh the other thing is when u read the koran u have take a few steps before u do, ie be fully washed (ablution).

And not be eatin a bacon sarnie and drikin a can of stella at the same time:D :p

I would NEVER!

Drink a can of Stella. Eurgh! ;)
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