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Why DO women have to be covered?

Originally posted by Guardas
Interesting, how was he wearing the machete?

Inside a jacket, but then I knew nothing about the kirpan or where on the body it's worn....all I knew was he was wearing a turban...and looking dodgy.
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I have a question about a specific point in Islam. I was reading through my R.E textbook and I came accross this quote from the qur'an:

"Those who believe, those who follow the Jewish scriptures, and the Sabians and the Christians-any, who beleive in Allah and the Lat day, and work righteousness-on them shall be no fear, Nor shall they grieve." Suhrah 5:69

The book's interpretation of this is that Christians, Jews and Sabians (not sure who they are) can also reach al-Janna.

The book also said that one of the most serious sins is Shirk-Saying something or someone is equal to Allah and that this sin is enough to be sent to jahannam. But surley there is a contradiction, if Islam teaches that Jesus was a prophet (is that correct?) then he is just a man. But Christians beleive that he was God so doesn't that count them out of al-Janna for commiting shirk?
The problem isnt Islam its the perception, esp in this country, the majority are peeps who came over in the 60`s,70`s from pakistan/bangladesh/india, they were largely uneducated and only came to work, they all conglomerated upnorth, in the mids and london, and with the racism problems most of thought sod it im staying with `my own`. The ones that got out and got education, are doing fine, the ones who are still in these areas, are still uneducated and are perpetuting this thro to their kids, which is not good, but it is changing, albeit slowly.

For me it is ridiculous for folks to not to be able to speak english after being here for a long time, D.Blunkett was right to pick up on this.

If some one ever came to my mosque on a friday they would be pleasantly surprised, the no of proffessional peeps out no the yocals, and we have many nationalities there, incl white english peeps, black etc
Originally posted by Jono
Why DO women have to be covered?

Inside a jacket, but then I knew nothing about the kirpan or where on the body it's worn....all I knew was he was wearing a turban...and looking dodgy.

Well the kirpan can be worn underneath or outside clothing. But what to look out for, as you might have already found out is that its worn in a gathra (its like a band that goes over your shoulder).
Originally posted by skyman
But surley there is a contradiction, if Islam teaches that Jesus was a prophet (is that correct?) then he is just a man. But Christians beleive that he was God so doesn't that count them out of al-Janna for commiting shirk?

No mate, Jesus is the Son of God.
Originally posted by Morte
No mate, Jesus is the Son of God.


Are you saying that that is the Christian belief? I am a Christian and I beieve that Jesus is equal to God.

John 1:

The Word Became Flesh

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning.
3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4In him was life, and that life was the light of men. 5The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.....

14The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. "

So my question still stands
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Originally posted by gurdas
There must be some contridictions then, because I have been tought that Jesus was the son of god.

There's contradictions and blurred lines and wrongly translated scriptures in every holy book there ever was!

Yes the Christian faith teaches us that Jesus is the son of God. Even reading the paragraph that skyman pasted in, Jesus was made of God and came from God, is this not a child as of a parent?

This is in accordance with Christian workings anyway. I have no belief in any of it.
Originally posted by Gilly
There's contradictions and blurred lines and wrongly translated scriptures in every holy book there ever was!

Yes the Christian faith teaches us that Jesus is the son of God. Even reading the paragraph that skyman pasted in, Jesus was made of God and came from God, is this not a child as of a parent?

This is in accordance with Christian workings anyway. I have no belief in any of it.

Thats the thing with the Sikh holy book, as far as I know there are no contradictions, it has remained in original language ever since it was written 500 years ago.
Originally posted by gurdas
Thats the thing with the Sikh holy book, as far as I know there are no contradictions, it has remained in original language ever since it was written 500 years ago.

It's only been writted 500 years? Thats not a very long time for a holy book. What was the thinking behind the writing at the time, and what makes it a holy book? (serious questions, I'm not being arsey...)
Originally posted by Gilly
There's contradictions and blurred lines and wrongly translated scriptures in every holy book there ever was!

Yes the Christian faith teaches us that Jesus is the son of God. Even reading the paragraph that skyman pasted in, Jesus was made of God and came from God, is this not a child as of a parent?

This is in accordance with Christian workings anyway. I have no belief in any of it.

It is just the way in which you think of it. John was trying to explain how Jesus could be a seperate entity from God and yet still be God. It is not a contradiction, just hard to understand :). I am unsure of where you get the wrongly translated bit from are you well aquainted with Hebrew or Greek? Personally it is just stupid to rest your belief on how a few words are differently translated. The fact is that the best authorities in the languages used to write original Biblical texts are Christian (not many other people would really care about it) and they are not put of bye how a few words are translated to make them more understandable. Sorry if it seems that this is going off topic but I believe that people are just as unknowledgable when it comes to Christianity as they are about Sikhism/Islam.
Sikhism is the youngest of the main religions. It was created in the 1500's. There were 10 living Guru's (one after another) who were basically teachers of the religion, they were teaching the people of Gods values and morals. The last guru announced that there would no longer be any more living Guru's but one in a written form the Guru Granth Sahib Ji (holy book). What makes it a holy book is that it holds the teachings that were recieved from the previous Guru's and because the holy book contains Gods thoughts it is treated with the most respect. You musnt be in a higher position and you should be clean and have your head covered when in presence of the Guru Granth Sahib, much like the living Guru's in the past.
Originally posted by skyman
It is just the way in which you think of it. John was trying to explain how Jesus could be a seperate entity from God and yet still be God. It is not a contradiction, just hard to understand :). I am unsure of where you get the wrongly translated bit from are you well aquainted with Hebrew or Greek? Personally it is just stupid to rest your belief on how a few words are differently translated. The fact is that the best authorities in the languages used to write original Biblical texts are Christian (not many other people would really care about it) and they are not put of bye how a few words are translated to make them more understandable. Sorry if it seems that this is going off topic but I believe that people are just as unknowledgable when it comes to Christianity as they are about Sikhism/Islam.

I'm not saying that I have great knowledge of any religion, always before it seems folly to learn it, and now I am that bit older I see it slightly differently. The amount of people that put their faith in it means that I should recognise the importance of it, though I think religion is an inherently bad thing.
As for wot us muslims believe in...we believe that Jesus or Al 'Isa as we call him was not the son of god but a prophet/messenger of end of day its what we are taught i said everyone has different beliefs but to us Jesus was a prophet not the son of God...As for our prophets there were thousands of them sent over the course of time...u only hear about the most important ones liek Jesus, Adam, Muhammad and Abraham or Ibrahim...

As for our Holy Book...again like the Sikh Holy book it has been unchanged for thousands of years...originally it was written by our Prophet Muhammad on leaves, sticks and bones...and again has never been changed afaik...

to be honest i learn new things bout my religion every day and it never ceases to amaze me the things i me our rules within our religion seem logical to all makes sense..but the overriding fact is that at end of day we all think for ourselves and make our own for me for instance..i know wot is permitted and not...its up to me to follow or not to end of day if i dont then i will get my just rewards/punishment...
No one not even my parenst have ever forced me to follow my religion...they dont take a stick and beat me if i dont do my prayers etc...:D
Originally posted by skyman
I have a question about a specific point in Islam. I was reading through my R.E textbook and I came accross this quote from the qur'an:

"Those who believe, those who follow the Jewish scriptures, and the Sabians and the Christians-any, who beleive in Allah and the Lat day, and work righteousness-on them shall be no fear, Nor shall they grieve." Suhrah 5:69

The book's interpretation of this is that Christians, Jews and Sabians (not sure who they are) can also reach al-Janna.

The book also said that one of the most serious sins is Shirk-Saying something or someone is equal to Allah and that this sin is enough to be sent to jahannam. But surley there is a contradiction, if Islam teaches that Jesus was a prophet (is that correct?) then he is just a man. But Christians beleive that he was God so doesn't that count them out of al-Janna for commiting shirk?
I remember discussing this one before. The Sabians were an ancient monotheistic race, about at the same time as Christianity. As I interpret the above, it would mean all those believing in a single God would reach eternity with God. Although there is the Christian idea of the Trinity, Christians are still monotheistic. :)
Originally posted by Gilly
I'm not saying that I have great knowledge of any religion, always before it seems folly to learn it, and now I am that bit older I see it slightly differently. The amount of people that put their faith in it means that I should recognise the importance of it, though I think religion is an inherently bad thing.

gilly i can see where u are coming from in a way...religion at end of day causes more problems that it is needed and i honestly think its because some religions out there do not respect others etc...

look at the Palestinian and Jewish problem in the middle east...thats all due to the fact that for thousands of yrs the jews and muslims have been at each other throats..doesnt matter wot anyone the heart of the problem is the yes religion can be a bad thing...

BUT then religion can be good for people too...ive been thru a lot in my life....been a constant struggle to get where i am now...and because recently i have paid more attention to my religion i have found a lot of inner peace...and am a lot more happier because of it....altho for others it is different...

but with anything in life u have good things and bad things...:)
Originally posted by skyman
I have a question about a specific point in Islam. I was reading through my R.E textbook and I came accross this quote from the qur'an:

"Those who believe, those who follow the Jewish scriptures, and the Sabians and the Christians-any, who beleive in Allah and the Lat day, and work righteousness-on them shall be no fear, Nor shall they grieve." Suhrah 5:69

The book's interpretation of this is that Christians, Jews and Sabians (not sure who they are) can also reach al-Janna.

The book also said that one of the most serious sins is Shirk-Saying something or someone is equal to Allah and that this sin is enough to be sent to jahannam. But surley there is a contradiction, if Islam teaches that Jesus was a prophet (is that correct?) then he is just a man. But Christians beleive that he was God so doesn't that count them out of al-Janna for commiting shirk?

Alright this is kinda weird but like i said before each religion is like a chapter in abigger book right.

Well say the time when Christianity was told to the people by Jesus at that time a follower of Christianity would die and go to heaven. Because he followed the teachings of God at the time brought by a prophet. So as time progressed people forgot the teachings a new prophet came. The teachings were taught again yet with some changes and so people had to follow that religion. If they followed the religion and died then they went to heaven.
It was a continous process until Islam.

Its said that the non believers will go to hell. and the believers to heaven.

And the thing about Jesus is God. Things have been totally thrown about. The followers of Jesus at the time new he was a prophet. Over time people kept changing the bible , it was written slightly differently. And that kept happening. People then thought Jesus was the son of God, then he was God.

He's a prophet.
And that thing about him being raised from the dead. Its not true. My belief was that God made another man look like Jesus and they killed him while Jesus was in hiding. So he came out and people thought he was raised from the dead. The story is more complicated but i dont know it all.
Originally posted by asim
Alright this is kinda weird but like i said before each religion is like a chapter in abigger book right.

Well say the time when Christianity was told to the people by Jesus at that time a follower of Christianity would die and go to heaven. Because he followed the teachings of God at the time brought by a prophet. So as time progressed people forgot the teachings a new prophet came. The teachings were taught again yet with some changes and so people had to follow that religion. If they followed the religion and died then they went to heaven.
It was a continous process until Islam.

Its said that the non believers will go to hell. and the believers to heaven.

And the thing about Jesus is God. Things have been totally thrown about. The followers of Jesus at the time new he was a prophet. Over time people kept changing the bible , it was written slightly differently. And that kept happening. People then thought Jesus was the son of God, then he was God.

He's a prophet.
And that thing about him being raised from the dead. Its not true. My belief was that God made another man look like Jesus and they killed him while Jesus was in hiding. So he came out and people thought he was raised from the dead. The story is more complicated but i dont know it all.

But none of what you suggests makes sense. If the people around him knew that he was a prophet why would they be prepared to die for saying otherwise. They knew that he was the messiah:

"27Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, "Who do people say I am?"
28They replied, "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets."
29"But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?"
Peter answered, "You are the Christ." "

And as I say the greatest authority on Biblcal accuracy are Christians. Why would you bother to change the Bible if you knew it was wrong?And why would God make a copy of Jesus, it has just made it more complicated. To show that he is a man just let him die. Surley God would just have been adding to the confusion with this. Muhammad is dead, why not just let Jesus's prophecy end when he died? And it would have to be a pretty good look-a-like because his mother was there when he was killed. And what about the body? You would have to dispose of it because that is the first thing that could disprove what you have claimed but there where guards on the tomb so it isn't as if you have easy access.
Like i said the bible has been changed over and over and its not because they thought it was wrong or anything like that. It just happened everytime they rewrote the book as another copy something was changed. Cant expect to get it all right. Could be the translation. But it happened. Dont take my work for it.

As for the jesus look a like. Were talking about the endless powers of God here. Nowadays you dont think miracles and this and that can happen. No magic and all that.
Back then it happened. In the Quraan you can read some of the strange and amazing things that happened. That will happen. Or you can see other books for different stories.

I know what i know. And all i know is that Jesus is not the one who was stuck up on the cross. I dont like to get into a mass argument cause its gonna require looking up tons and tons of books for the quotes and everything.
Im telling you what i know but you dont have to believe it. This thread is all about religion yet its not about converting someone or making them think differently. Its just people telling each other what they know.
In the end each person may consider themselves to be right.

Believe what you want
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