Muslims taking over britain?

we need a cull.

Who do we start with? I only ask because if I'm going to be first up against the wall I rather fancy the chance to set my affairs in order.

Gnargh I hate it when people are pedant about that. Its obvious what they mean.

I knew what you did was somewhat tongue in cheek, but, ugh, pedantness.

Nearly got me with that but I'm going to leave it for another pedant.
CBS' quick guide to ignoring the problem

1) Insist the only problem is a very specific behaviour, and only a minority are responsible. There are many ways to achieve this, you could convince yourself that the problem is isolated to a seperate and different group called 'extremists' and then, without knowing how many people actually do it, tell yourself only a tiny minority of people do it.

What if it is indeed only a tiny minority? Would you be wrong to label an entire religion or race of people (depending on the situation) in the same terms as the extremists?

2) Insist its not an issue, despite the fact that you feel the urgent need to tell people its not an issue frequently. This can include dismissing growing political power by suggesting its a measure of equality, by comparing the growing political presence to something you're already comfortable with. For example, if Hizb-ut-Tahir bother you, pretend they're comparable to the Green party. The Greens are no threat, ho ho ho!

Maybe people only state that it isn't an issue to attempt to counteract the people who declare it to be a massive, huge, ginormous issue. A form of " every action has an equal and opposite reaction" if you will and my apologies to Sir Isaac for misusing his famous law.

3) Legitimise the actions of those we fear. This is the more complex denial mechanism, not for the inexperienced. Ways of doing this include justifying violence against civilians due to the foreign policy of our allies, claiming that violence and hatred directed against us are the result of us not meeting moral standards such as equality or anti-racism.

Perhaps, then again perhaps not. While nothing can or should excuse terrorist atrocities in certain circumstances you can possibly understand some of the motivations while still being disgusted with the actions. Nobody acts in a vacuum here, peoples actions tend to have consequences whether the results are immediately obvious or not and that is even more apparant for countries.

4) Just pull your covers back over your head and go back to sleep. Hope someone else will deal with it while you pontificate or put your morals first.

Sounds good to me, if none of us have morals then the World is going to be a very sorry place.
"A HATE fanatic has boasted that Muslims will one day conquer Britain — by having more BABIES"

Thats the headline of the story, if you took a moment to actually acknowledge it properly you would have realised they are talking about a Minority (Extremists), not Muslims as a whole.
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The only thing in the Sun newspaper I'd believe is the telly page :D

I don't even believe that without checking in at least one other publication.

Anyway back on topic.

All muslims are terrorist loving extremists, who want nothing more than to force our wimmin to wear burkhas and chop off the hands of all thieves*.

All couloured people are gun toting rapper drug dealers who want to rape our wimmin.

All Jews are money grabbing, big nosed freaks who secretly run all the worlds governments and financial institutions, and want to steal our beautiful wimmin such as Ms Goody.

All priests have a not so secret love of little children, and happily cover for each other.

Anyone on benefits is a dirty scrounger who has 15 kids and is milking the system.

Every adult on the internet is really there to try and lure kids into meetings for sex and chips.

All football watchers are hooligans looking for the next chance to have a riot.

All games make people violent, and all gamers are sociopathic murderers in training.

All "pro life" people go to abortion clinics and gun down the doctors

All Judges are fools with no qualifications for their job, and make up the rules as they go along.

I think all those statements are about as valid as that all muslims share the same views as those in the article.

*To be honest, I'm surprised that many people who post on these forums aren't all in favour for sharia law in it's harshest form - a lot of them seem to be very disappointed we don't have it's worst punishments available under english law.
I don't even believe that without checking in at least one other publication.

Anyway back on topic.

All muslims are terrorist loving extremists, who want nothing more than to force our wimmin to wear burkhas and chop off the hands of all thieves*.

All couloured people are gun toting rapper drug dealers who want to rape our wimmin.

All Jews are money grabbing, big nosed freaks who secretly run all the worlds governments and financial institutions, and want to steal our beautiful wimmin such as Ms Goody.

All priests have a not so secret love of little children, and happily cover for each other.

Anyone on benefits is a dirty scrounger who has 15 kids and is milking the system.

Every adult on the internet is really there to try and lure kids into meetings for sex and chips.

All football watchers are hooligans looking for the next chance to have a riot.

All games make people violent, and all gamers are sociopathic murderers in training.

All "pro life" people go to abortion clinics and gun down the doctors

All Judges are fools with no qualifications for their job, and make up the rules as they go along.

I think all those statements are about as valid as that all muslims share the same views as those in the article.

What are you talking about, that's the most accurate summary of English society I've ever seen!
So if there was a big clash between these 2 factions, would the decent innocent muslims in this country be on our side, or follow the extremeists ??

I dont see any reports of everyday muslims fighting back against these extremeist. If this is happening however, it would be helpful if this was reported as well to show that all muslims are not full of hate and are ordinary people.

We only see the bad side of this religon, maybe its time for the good repectable side to make a voice in this country speaking out against these extremists. This hopefully will influence the younger generation.
If you think that just because there were only 100 in that room that is the sum of support for people like Choudray then you are very very naive.

No, there could be dozens more. Hundreds in fact. Maybe even as many people that think the world is flat and NASA faked the moon landings.
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