Muslims taking over britain?

7 Nov 2004
To an audience of 100, out of 2 million Muslims in the UK.

Not quite your Hitler at the Nuremberg rallies yet is he ?

yes, because they needed 100 people to drive planes into Two tower buildings, while somehow not being noticed by any airspace measures :)

Not all Muslims are bad, otherwise we would have GOD KNOWS how much trouble every day...I live near a town that has a fair amount of muslims and relating cultures (Actually, there was a raid in the town for a suspected terrorist if I remember correctly) and if all of them where this extreme, all hell would break lose.

I don't have a problem with people coming over here, as long as they do they're bit, they work, they contribute...They DONT try and get through loop holes in the system, like silly things if they get pulled over by the cops "It's because I'm foreign isn't it? That why you pulled me over!"....stupid Race card.

One thing I don't really like, is people coming over here, and trying to introduce new cultures, if you came here, you live by the way our country is run, not how you want the country run....fair enough, love whichever God you love, but don't force thing's upon us.
28 Feb 2006
No longer riding an Italian
Personally, I don’t care for religion, to me it is just a form of control over people, which in today’s free-thinking world, has less and less of a place.

It’s hard to accurately comment on the subject, as the bulk of what I know has simply come from ‘the media’, who I expect nine times out of ten, are only giving you part of the story, and what you get it dramatised somewhat.

Anyway, with this in mind, I share some of my views on the subject:

Whilst Muslims aren’t the only ones with extremists, it does seem to me that in today’s society, they are the most violent and outspoken – but this could be a view tailored by media I agree.
They, possibly just extremists (I don’t know), seem very unwilling to integrate with other cultures; you are forever hearing about complaints, sometimes over the most trivial things – living down-wind of a pork factory was one iirc.

Now, I’m no scholar on the bible, and I haven’t read much on the koran either, but to me the latter seems far more barbaric and in my unschooled understanding, it is also geared mainly towards the destruction of other non-believers.
With this as a basis of belief it is no wonder that people are murdered (i.e. stoned to death), for things that are becoming more common in today’s society; I am thinking same sex relationships and adultery here.

I would be happy if this religious nonsense just died its long overdue death, and allowed people to function as human beings, maybe then they’ll see how horrific actions “in the name of god” really are. This applies not only to ‘allah’!

1 Nov 2005
I don't have a problem with people coming over here, as long as they do they're bit, they work, they contribute...They DONT try and get through loop holes in the system, like silly things if they get pulled over by the cops "It's because I'm foreign isn't it? That why you pulled me over!"....stupid Race card.

One thing I don't really like, is people coming over here, and trying to introduce new cultures, if you came here, you live by the way our country is run, not how you want the country run....fair enough, love whichever God you love, but don't force thing's upon us.

Well said
16 Jun 2005
I fully understand why a lot of people do not wish to live in this country. It just doesn't feel like home/britain anymore :(

We let anyone & everyone over run us, aslong as there is a bit of money in it :\
5 Aug 2006
I fully understand why a lot of people do not wish to live in this country. It just doesn't feel like home/britain anymore :(
I know what you mean. Loughborough and leicester are awful - if you ever find yourself there with a few hours to kill, play spot the white man. I dont have anything against other people, but sometimes I am just thinking WTF where did these all come from.

Bullets are cheaper than books ;)
Indeed, and a bullet sounds the same in every language, which is good as some muslims have no intention of learning english.
8 Feb 2004
I came close to death and spent a week in hospital recovering from a severe blood clot in my leg.

On my ward, there was a muslim patient of turkish origin who spent the entire week dedicating himself to helping others around him (fluffing pillows, calling the nurse in an emergency, getting glasses of water, putting a genuine smile on people's faces). All this whilst heavily breathing himself through a plastic jar connected to the outside of his chest.

In that time I saw through the crap the trash 'news reporting' this country spouts at us, and have seen that good and bad exists not in religion, but in people themselves.
10 Jul 2007
Yes! Muslim bashing woo woo!

The article is a little disturbing though!

To put this all in perspective, you have a few fanatics kicking themselves up into a hate frenzy. Rather sounds like the BNP's Red, White and Blue festival :p

The ordinary muslim on the street is ok as is the ordinary anybody on the street. Fanatics and hatemongers are just that, remember WWII - are all Germans hatemongers? :)
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
Im guessing a war will break out at some point in the near future..

I'm guessing it will be more subtle than that. It would be more efficient to wait until Islam is the dominant religion in this country, which appears to be happening, and just proceed from there, a bit at a time. OK, so it might take 50 years, but it's the most efficient way. Maybe civil war towards the end, to tip the balance.
24 Nov 2007
The ordinary muslim on the street is ok as is the ordinary anybody on the street. Fanatics and hatemongers are just that, remember WWII - are all Germans hatemongers? :)

Precisely - they weren't all hatemongers, that is why it is worrying to see such people being allowed to spout their **** around in our society, no matter how small a number.



18 Sep 2003
CBS' quick guide to ignoring the problem

1) Insist the only problem is a very specific behaviour, and only a minority are responsible. There are many ways to achieve this, you could convince yourself that the problem is isolated to a seperate and different group called 'extremists' and then, without knowing how many people actually do it, tell yourself only a tiny minority of people do it.

2) Insist its not an issue, despite the fact that you feel the urgent need to tell people its not an issue frequently. This can include dismissing growing political power by suggesting its a measure of equality, by comparing the growing political presence to something you're already comfortable with. For example, if Hizb-ut-Tahir bother you, pretend they're comparable to the Green party. The Greens are no threat, ho ho ho!

3) Legitimise the actions of those we fear. This is the more complex denial mechanism, not for the inexperienced. Ways of doing this include justifying violence against civilians due to the foreign policy of our allies, claiming that violence and hatred directed against us are the result of us not meeting moral standards such as equality or anti-racism.

4) Just pull your covers back over your head and go back to sleep. Hope someone else will deal with it while you pontificate or put your morals first.

All those points of yours could be used to gather more support for extremists.
13 Sep 2008
and maybe when we've taken over the country we'll put u all on the frontlines of wars like what u did to the indians through countless other wars!

ill tell u a little story.
2 years ago i went on holiday for a couple of weeks to jordan to meet some family. Upon my return i was stopped at passport control, my bags seized and escorted away by police. My bags were thoroughly searched. U wanna know what the first question i got asked in questioning. What mosque do i go to?! yup that was the question. He took one look at me and asked..... How ******* dare him! He didnt even have the decency to ask me if i was a muslim first of all.
And you wonder why we get angry when we are treated like crap!
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