Must have single player games?

19 Jan 2013
How do gents,

Deplyoying in January for 6 months and i'm certain to have plenty of down time whilst away. I'll have my new laptop by then! Not decided with a model as such yet though i'll be likely to get one with a GTX970m Graphics card.

Can i get some oppinions of some single player games to keep me occupied?
All genres welcome!

Well, obviously the half life series if you've not played them.

Tomb Raider is a blast also.
A few of my favourites that I've played in the past two or three years, from a variety of genres:

One of the Total War games will give you a lot of play time. I put what must have been about 30 to 40 hours into Rome TW1 three or so years ago, and had barely scratched the surface. Not played any of the others

FTL: Faster Than Light is another which I put decent time into (circa 30 hours). Really good game, which you can have a single playthrough in about an hour or two.

FEAR, the first one, is awesome - scary, but not terrifying (no, or few, jump scares as such, but unsettling), and really good fps mechanics.

Volgarr the Viking is a really good, classically tough, platformer - really tight controls and a difficult, but very fair, challenge. It's actually my favourite game of the past 5 or 6 years (since Dead Rising 1 on X360).

Limbo is great for a fairly short, but quality 4 or 5 hours of puzzly-ish platforming. Really great atmosphere and aesthetic.

Daedelic make some great point & click adventure games, if you like that sort of thing. I've only played Edna & Harvey: new eyes, which I enjoyed, but their Deponia games are supposed to be really good too.
Far Cry 3&4
Assassins Creed games
Mad Max
Tomb Raider
Witcher 3
Cities Skylines

Depends what sort of games you are into mostly.
As others have mentioned: Skyrim, Fallout, Dark Souls (only if you have a controller handy), Total War. God knows how many hours of my life has been spent with those games. They'll keep you busy.

I'd also add Shadow of Mordor and Outlast. Outlast is pretty short - it took me ~5 hours not including the DLC - but it is a great horror game
Witcher 3,
GTA 5,
Fallout 4 (out by time you go)
Telltale games i.e Walking dead, Wolf among us, Game of Thrones
Mass effect Series,
Command and Conquer series is still fun and can be picked up for cheap
Fallout 3, NV
Elder Scrolls series, older ones with some mods to improve graphics
Sins of Solar Empire + Rebellion
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