Must have single player games?

I only recently picked up the Batman games, I enjoyed Arkham Asylum, it felt quite old school in some ways, voice actors from the animated series is a plus . Arkham City is more open, I thought the story wobbled a bit but I had a lot of fun playing through it. The combat while simple, can prove quite a challenge when you get a lot of bad guys, plus the challenge modes would be ideal if you only have time for a quick blast. Currently Asylum, City and Origins are on sale (for the next 43 hours) on Bundles Stars at £3.74 each. I think they or someone else did have a Batman bundle going but it seems to be gone now.
Witcher 3 (and 1&2 if you haven't yet played them) and Fallout 4 (and 3 if you haven't yet played it) should keep you occupied for 6 months :P
Shadowrun Returns - *plus all the player made games for all the Shadowrun Return games*
Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall *one of the best rpgs I've played in years; completely underrated and was my game of the year for 2014; its that damn good*
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - *as good if not better than Dragonfall; tied for my game of the year with Witcher3*
Witcher 3
Dragon Age series
Mass Effect series *specially of you mod the ending on ME3* ;)
Wasteland 2
Pillars of Eternity
Xcom: Enemy Unknown/Inside
Guns, Gore and Cannoli
Satellite Reign
Orcs Must Die
Orcs Must Die 2
Castle Wolfenstein: New World Order
Castle Wolfenstein: Old Blood
Hard Reset
Warhammer 40K Dawn of War series;
Civ 5 series

Others have said some I've repeated. I tried give you a solid list of rts; rpgs; and fps that are all single player games and that; should help in down time in your deployment :)
Good Luck and thank you
I think you'd enjoy the Bioshock series, I liked all three. Very unique, but they might get a bit stale at times.

Other games to consider (random genres):
GTA V (one of my absolute favs)
Witcher 3 (probably won't ever finish it but a lot of people love it)
Dirt Rally (love it to death, just wish for more content)
Dishonored (a bit similar to Bioshock)
Mad Max (only 10% in but it seems enjoyable so far)
Dead Space series (good games in general, but you get used to the jump scares quickly)
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (beautiful graphics & atmosphere, I'm only at the beginning)
Metal Gear Solid V (only 2% in but I know I'm going to like it:p)
Final Fantasy XIII (got a lot of **** from some fans of the franchise and the reviewers but many people love it, I think it's really engaging and still looks quite beautiful downscaled from 4k + it can be grabbed very cheaply as a bundle with XIII-2, a must for fans of slighly weird jrpgs:p)

I'm currently torn between four games and judging by how little I play It'll probably take me a year to finish them:p
I tend to be quite late to the party when it comes to playing the latest games, but regardless, I thought I'd throw in some suggestions despite most of them being older titles, as mods can breathe so much life into past works :

Deus Ex series
FEAR + expansions (Extraction Point / Perseus Mandate)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series
Hard Reset - as mentioned earlier
Wolfenstein : The New Order (as above) + expansion
Quake series
Far Cry
System Shock 2
Fallout 3
Fallout : New Vegas
Unreal (single player)
Doom series
Duke Nukem series
Far Cry 3 : Blood Dragon
Half-Life series
Painkiller series
Vampire : The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Oblivion...I guess. :o :D
Legend of Grimrock series
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Any of the Civilization games. Get a stick and rudder and Elite Dangerous. You can lose some serious hours on those games.
Cities Skylines.
Age of Empires 2 HD.
Total War series.

Especially recommend Cities Skylines though.

Whether the graphics looks dated or not now, it will run sweet on a laptop and is the only game I have played and completed on all difficulty levels I loved it so much.
Probably not best played as a single player but you'll never hear me say a bad thing about Borderlands 2 - on sale at Humble store too! :D
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