Mutterings of a GrumpasaurusBex

Sorry to hear about the knee. Make sure you get a decent physio that understands sport/exercise, because not all physios are created equal in this regard...

And if you want, there are plenty of people on here who can help you with your new programme...

The doc gave me 3 physio contacts, one of which is a sports physio. I just need to look into the costs and if he falls into the 10 free physio sessions that I can claim for via my medical insurance.

In terms of help with a programme, I'd really appreciate any help I can get :)
The doc gave me 3 physio contacts, one of which is a sports physio. I just need to look into the costs and if he falls into the 10 free physio sessions that I can claim for via my medical insurance.

In terms of help with a programme, I'd really appreciate any help I can get :)

Cool. Good luck, regardless!

Programme-wise, you're in this to kill fat, right? Is there a particular exercise type you like/loathe?
Kill the fat and then I think I'd want to focus on increasing strength.

I loathe anything overly cardio based ... otherwise I'd say I'm fairly open to give things a try. I'd likely be terrible at things to start with but hey I've gotta start somewhere :D.
Well mercifully, dropping fat and increasing strength go quite nicely together, particularly at the start of a new regime...

Hitting the gym three times a week? For around an hour/hour and a half?

Edit: and apologies for the stereotype but... A girl that loathes cardio? :eek: **** yeah! About fricking time! :D
:D personally I don't get why woman are anti weights but then those folks wouldn't understand my loathing for the treadmill etc either.

Yep I tend to go to the gym three times a week, usually in the mornings.
Day 11-13; Off.

Super busy week at work after the week off, meaning long stressful days so I took the opportunity to rest my leg at the same time. Look at getting booked in for Physio this week to see how that goes.

I've not nailed down a programme yet & I'm trying to see if it's possible for my fella to join me so I don't have to lift on my own, however this will likely not be possible because we work opposite shifts.
How is your knee doing?

When it comes to programming, I'd suggest the following for you, but I'm not sure how much your knee will thank me for it.

Assuming three days a week...

DAY 1: LEGS (90secs strict rest)


DAY 2: BACK (90secs strict rest)

PLANK - 3*30sec tight clench for everything

DAY 3: CHESTANBIS (because that's a real word... ;) and 90secs rest)

PUSHUPS - 3*10
SIDE PLANK - 3*30sec tight clench for everything

As you can tell, I'm no bodybuilder. :D If you feel you need the extra burn, add some cardio in (no, not the treadmill - anything but that) using the rower/cycling machine. Work to a 30:120 second MAX:REST interval for 3 rounds, increasing the number of bursts each week as you feel you can. This may/may not be possible depending on how fatigued you're feeling, too, so only you will know if you think you can break this out. :)

If you do decide this - or elements of it - works for you, then great. Let me know if anything aggravates your knees, however, as this will be pretty crucial.

Also, if anybody else has some input, please feel free! ;) :D
I went to Physio yesterday & it was honestly the most excruciating, torturous thing I've had to go through. It was incredibly painful, to the point that deep breathing & trying to focus on anything but the paid was impossible .. in the end I couldn't help but cry :(.

As much pain as I was in I didn't want to ask him to stop because it's a case of needs must. Instead I tried to ensure that I at least didn't break down/sob uncontrollably & instead just quietly turned into a puddle ... I left the sobbing until I got home at least :p.

He didn't confirm tendinitis, but did say that my muscles are so tight that it's causing the nerve that runs through the muscle to be very sensitive. I was very tender from it yesterday & today certain areas of my quads & calves are extremely sore to the touch. :(

My next €70 of traumatizing pain is scheduled for the 2nd Sep.

Thanks for the info - I'll have a look at those once I can figure out what reverse lunges and clamshells are :p.
I went to Physio yesterday & it was honestly the most excruciating, torturous thing I've had to go through. It was incredibly painful, to the point that deep breathing & trying to focus on anything but the paid was impossible .. in the end I couldn't help but cry :(.

As much pain as I was in I didn't want to ask him to stop because it's a case of needs must. Instead I tried to ensure that I at least didn't break down/sob uncontrollably & instead just quietly turned into a puddle ... I left the sobbing until I got home at least :p.

He didn't confirm tendinitis, but did say that my muscles are so tight that it's causing the nerve that runs through the muscle to be very sensitive. I was very tender from it yesterday & today certain areas of my quads & calves are extremely sore to the touch. :(

My next €70 of traumatizing pain is scheduled for the 2nd Sep.

Thanks for the info - I'll have a look at those once I can figure out what reverse lunges and clamshells are :p.

Yeeeesh. Sounds like my physio... our treatment room is next to one of the office labs, and he had to stop half way through to tell me to stop screaming when he was freeing up my quads. :o :D

How much roller work and banded stretching do you do? Whilst it's not in the same league as your afflictions, just a week away from a roller/band for me (coupled with sitting on flights for 35hrs/week) causes my adductors and quads to snarl up really tight, so my question for you is how much do you use them? If at all?

Clamshells? Youtube "glute med" exercises. :)

Also, I should have put crossband walks and banded squats in there, too... :D
Roller & banded stretching ... none. I've never tried either.

I have a desk job, so the most moving around I do at work is walking to the printer (3 steps away) or chasing folks down for information, although even then most of it is done via IM, email or conference call.

The physio gave me a stretching exercise to do to see if that helps; using the bed lay flat on my stomach (one leg off the bed), push up with my arms & then reach back to grab my ankle and pull towards the body. I was actually doing something similar on leg days before I do any squating.
Roller & banded stretching ... none. I've never tried either.

I have a desk job, so the most moving around I do at work is walking to the printer (3 steps away) or chasing folks down for information, although even then most of it is done via IM, email or conference call.

The physio gave me a stretching exercise to do to see if that helps; using the bed lay flat on my stomach (one leg off the bed), push up with my arms & then reach back to grab my ankle and pull towards the body. I was actually doing something similar on leg days before I do any squating.

Same here!

Right... see if you can find an EVA foam roller. The hardcore alternative is a rolling pin, and use it to "massage" your quads, glutes, back, hammies, calves... everything.

Then stretches...


Also, stop by icecold's mobility thread in the main forum as it's very, very good if you're new to mobility/stretching/pain. :)
Feeling tender still & generally a bit meh, although I do feel better for getting my rear into gear & hitting the gym. I went kinda easy on myself today though. It feels like I've been away for much longer than the 2 weeks.

Day 17 - Mon 19 Aug

• 7 min treadmill warm-up | incline = 0 | Speed = 4→5.5

• Shoulder press /w d-bells | 1 x 10 @ 5kg | 3 x 6 @ 7kg
• Chest press /w d-bell | 1 x 10 @ 5kg weights each hand | 1 x 6 @ 8kg | 3 x 6 @ 10kg |
• Chest press /w bar | 1 x 10 @ 20kg | 2 x 6 @ 25kg | 2 x 6 @ 30kg | 1 x 6 @ 35kg
• Tricep pushdown @ cable machine superset /w bicep curls x3
— TP = 1 x 10 @ 15kg | BC = 1 x 8 (alternating) @ 7kg
— TP = 2 x 10 @ 20kg | BC = 2 x 8 (alternating) @ 7kg
• Flyes | 1 x 10 @ 5kg | 3 x 6 @ 7kg
• Lat pulldown | 1 x 10 @ 27kg | 3 x 6 @ 34kg
• Plank (front) | 6 x 30secs

Plans for Wed:
• Deadlifts
• D-bell rows
• Narrow grip lat pulldown
— I meant to do them today but I was running out of time and needed to get to work nice and early
• Cable rows
• Lateral raises
• Side plank

Plans for Fri:
• Stretching .. lots of stretching ... hips & legs
• Hip pop-ups
— I'll try these unweighted at first I think & then go from there
• Squats
— Body
— Weighted b-bell
— Goblet
• Reverse lunges
I went to Physio yesterday & it was honestly the most excruciating, torturous thing I've had to go through. It was incredibly painful, to the point that deep breathing & trying to focus on anything but the paid was impossible .. in the end I couldn't help but cry :(.

As much pain as I was in I didn't want to ask him to stop because it's a case of needs must. Instead I tried to ensure that I at least didn't break down/sob uncontrollably & instead just quietly turned into a puddle ... I left the sobbing until I got home at least :p.

He didn't confirm tendinitis, but did say that my muscles are so tight that it's causing the nerve that runs through the muscle to be very sensitive. I was very tender from it yesterday & today certain areas of my quads & calves are extremely sore to the touch. :(

My next €70 of traumatizing pain is scheduled for the 2nd Sep.

Thanks for the info - I'll have a look at those once I can figure out what reverse lunges and clamshells are :p.
I like the sound of this physio!

Well done to you for not being completely put off by the pain.
I like the sound of this physio!

Well done to you for not being completely put off by the pain.

You sir, are mad ...well and truly off your rocker! :p.

5 days on and I still have parts of my legs that cannot be touched without it being painful. On a plus note, the bruising caused by the physio is slowly going.
Show me on the doll where he touched you.


You sir, are mad ...well and truly off your rocker! :p.

5 days on and I still have parts of my legs that cannot be touched without it being painful. On a plus note, the bruising caused by the physio is slowly going.
Yeah pretty much...

Nothing will ever be as painful as graston. If you're feeling curious have a look at some videos on youtube. :'(

I tried to find that pictures that I thought I posted of the marks it left. Most of my legs were bright red and then slowly browner from bruising.

Works like a treat though!
Gratson looked pretty grim from what I saw!

Warm bamboo is the sweet spot, so effective at releasing tension and peppering adhesions due to the heat. Very relaxing too until they touch your calves or in my case infraspinatus.

Got a warm bamboo'er near me if you're ever curious Ice.
Easing myself into things this week. Didn't quite cover everything I wanted to but next week I hope to push things further.

Day 18 - Wed 21 Aug

• 7 min treadmill warm-up | incline = 0 | Speed = 5→5.5

• Deadlifts | 2 x 8 @ bar/22.5kg | 3 x 6 @ 32.5kg | 1 x 6 @ 42.5kg
— First time really lifting with anything other than 10kg b-bell. I wanted to make sure that I kept my form and that I didn't load too heavy to start off with. Plus I don't want to aggrivate my knee too much before Fri's squat day.
— Warmed up sets with a wooden practice bar they have and then did a little stretching before the actual lifts.
• One arm d-bell rows | 1 x 8 @ 8kg | 1 x 8 @ 10kg | 2 x 6 @ 12.5kg
• Narrow grip pull-down (palms towards me) | 1 x 10 @ 20kg | 1 x 8 @ 27kg 1 x 8 @ 34kg | 2 x 6 @ 43kg
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