My biggest build! the lian li DK-03

Very nice work, not sure the pink dye goes to well with it but looks fantastic otherwise, I'm very jealous!
yeah sorry it was just a tester to see if it all works, the core temp sits at 60-69.. I think the cpu maybe faulty. I've purchased another motherboard just to test, hopefully that will indicate if it is the motherboard or the cpu it's self that is hot. as for the pink. it looks like damn strawberry milkshake at the minute. it needs to be a lot darker, but I will sort that out once I sort the motherboard/cpu problem out. then once the new mobo arrives I need to sort out the NZXT hue fans, they seem to not light up. Anyone know how these work?
yeah sorry it was just a tester to see if it all works, the core temp sits at 60-69.. I think the cpu maybe faulty. I've purchased another motherboard just to test, hopefully that will indicate if it is the motherboard or the cpu it's self that is hot. as for the pink. it looks like damn strawberry milkshake at the minute. it needs to be a lot darker, but I will sort that out once I sort the motherboard/cpu problem out. then once the new mobo arrives I need to sort out the NZXT hue fans, they seem to not light up. Anyone know how these work?

I think Ryzen is a hot chip when over clocked. Key is to see what your water temp is as well .

Next aer fans Daisey chain with each other and then plug into one of two channels on the Hue Control box. Each channel can handle 5 fans or 4 strips each and need CAM to run it
Found out that the Ryzen 1800x and 1700x have a 20c raised sensor temp, so the temp is wrong, (it is for OC reasons)
so far i found the NXZT has a terrible sticking solution, so have replaced them with double sided tape. and they seem to be a lot more grippy, (for those using aluminium use double sided tape on top of the one supplied.)
my motherboard is dead but it was damaged via delivery so i suspect it was damaged there. new one hopefully arrives tomorrow and the old has been called back for it to be looked at.
Not had a chance to work the NXZT RGB fans as of yet. also changing the tubing tomorrow.
ok it has had a change, I've sent back some items to overclockers (my own fault on the cd drive) and the seagate fire SSHD does not work on any of my pc's. so getting a replacement. however the biggest improvement is the pipe work, i've changed it today. it looks a lot smarter and more dynamic. it's half full now but i will take a pic of it in moment. tomorrow the new mobo arrives and the old leaves, fingers crossed.
Here is the new pipe work, I personally think it looks smarter and sleeker, also i have shortened the loop a little due to it being more direct then it was before. As you can see I have removed the elbow fitting on the radiator, This gives it a little bit of a straight line (bar the few bends to get it spot on) few of my friends said they thought the pipe work was meh,(on the last build of this) and to be honest so did I.
the block it's self has been angled better too. with both fittings facing the same way with bends near on matching from the pipe. The new mobo arrives tomorrow and the old one went earlier today.
also I broken the NZXT pin fitting (check last pic) anyone know where I can get a replacement from?)

new route does look better!

just wondering if you were able to do the same run but run a bend to match the PCIe cables and go under the GPU then back up once past and into the needed parts

that or going to the top of the table and across like your first route but both of them so no components are covered
I think if you WC'd your gpu that would break up the super long run of tubing. I like the pink and green and to be honest makes a change to see different combinations of colour used
Hi guys sorry been very busy! Well thanks guys yeah braking up via the gpu would be a future idea, next on my list is to redo the tubing again in the future to a fatter tube size, yeah not going over the gpu would have been real nice however the pipe is only 90cm long so I am only limited to a small amount.
at the minute I got it like the joker effects
Great work on this build mate, I've always wanted a desk case like that but not got the funds for it.. keep up the good work
Hi all sorry been really busy! so far this is my beautiful girl. She needs another NZXT fan on the right to make the 4th some cable management needs sorting bar that, she is looking good for me :)

That looks great...however to me the desk looks rather awkward and very uncomfortable. For the price you don't get a great deal of room, I would very much struggle to ever use that.
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