My Black Integra DC5R

^^ Thanks chap. Tell the BTCC teams that they use cheap looking alloys. What do you drive?
Yep, will do. Ill also tell them their cars look naff while im at it.

What i drive is irrelevant. I dislike the look of your car, in my mind you have ruined it with what i think is a stupid looking spoiler, which I dont think has much if any advantage over the regular spoiler in the real world. And the wheels, which i think look cheap. I dont care if they cost a million billion quid, if I think they look cheap then thats what I think. The original wheels look ten times better.
One of these do? I'll have another look later to see if I can find any others.

Awesome mate, cheers, just what i was looking for. If you have any more feel free to stick 'em up. You mind me asking now much it cost and from where? I've been looking for one for my DC2.

Virdi said:
Very nice!

I fancy a DC5!

What's a DC5'R'..?

The R stands for type R
DC5 in general, or MilanoChris's one?

I know I certainly like his rather a lot, and like Drexel's DC2 a lot as well, and would love to own a 'teg, but will not be able to for years. :(


DC5 in general, but this one was the reason behind me being interesting in Honda's to begin with! (except my fav S2000)
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