My Cancer

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Originally posted by Zoltan

I just thought I'd let you all know what was going on and that even through this I'm still here and upbeat and smiling most of the time. I wont let it get me down.

Sorry to hear about your cancer. That's the right attitude to have anyway :)
What can I say? Nothing really, I am numb after reading that, especially when I realised your age......

I am going through a lot at the moment due to my mother in law being terminally ill (she has 3 secondary tumours in her brain) and the best advice I can give is make sure you patch up any bad feelings before you go - those you leave behind will appreciate it even more.

I'm going to hide now and have a good cry, stay strong and I REALLY hope you get out to Italy.

As others have said, if you need ANYTHING just ask.
So sorry to hear about your cancer zoltan, i really don't know what to say other than that your courage is truely inspirational
So sorry to hear that :( There isn't anything more i can say that someone else hasnt already said. Good to see your making the most while you can.
my mum died of cancer, she was told it was terminal and that she only had a few months left, she lived for 5 years.

good luck mate, at least you know you have the opportunity to do all the things you always wanted to do but were too busy to do..:(

let us know how you get on and let one of the dons know a family number, there are 10000 people here that are rooting for you and would like to know your ok..
Lost most of my family to cancer , i hope its no hereditory in my case.

Cant imagine how you feel mate , i worry about the future sometimes, like where im gonna live etc.. it seems so petty when i put myself in your situation.

Stay strong mate, you deserve to overcome this terrible condition.
It's so good to see that you aren't letting this get you down :)

I don't know how I would deal with this news myself - would probably turn into a gibbering wreck and feel sorry for myself - You are truly an inspiration Mr Zoltan ! :)

Go drive some fast vroom vrooms ! ;)

All the best and keep us informed !

Sinead :)
I really don't know what to say, other than you have my complete and utmost respect. You are a true inspiration to everyone here with your positive outlook. All the best wishes- keep your chin up.
Really sorry to hear this man :(
Enjoy yourslef as much as possible now, and with your good strong outlook on things you are fighting it which helps a lot.

Sorry again dude, stay cool and enjoy your time. :)

Every since I first came across one of your threads and saw how you were dealing with your cancer I have been mightily impressed with your attitude and courage. I was shocked to read that it returned and in such a tragic way but once again you've shown yourself to be humblingly brave and centered.
My words can never really mean anything but my respect and hopes go out to you. Good luck.

I was only wondering yesterday where you were, haven't seen you post for a while. I was hoping you hadn't had a setback.

All I can say is I wish you the very best of luck and I will be thinking of you.
Jesus. :(

So sorry to hear it's come back. Nothing I can say to you will mean anything in the face of such adversity. Your courage should be a model for us all.
All the best and do whatever you feel you want/need to!

(Refuses to put a sad face)

I'm just so impressed you can -> :D

So I'll :D back.

Again, all the best.

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