i feel really sorry for you keep your chin up and best wishes
Originally posted by Jake 2.0
Originally posted by Zoltan
I know a lot of you know about me and my cancer. How I went though lots of treatment and an operation and by January this year I was put into remission.
A couple of months ago I got the worst news about how it has come back and also that it was terminal. They can only try and keep me comfortable.
I have a big lump on my left side which is on the ribs, a small one on my right side which again is on a rib, I have a few lumps on my skull which are small, a few tiny marks in one of my lungs and I've also had some radiotherapy for some which I have on my spine. These have eased off a little now but one is on a nerve which has made my left leg weak. Should get better soon.
I just thought I'd let you all know what was going on and that even through this I'm still here and upbeat and smiling most of the time. I wont let it get me down.
Thanks for reading.
Originally posted by robbins1940
Sorry to hear that but at least you had 19 years of life. My cousin was born with Liver cancer and died aged 18 months. They got him a liver transplant, it was in the local papers at the time. For a while it looked like he was going to be okay but sadly the cancer had spread. His parents have since split up.
My Aunt died 2 years ago of Lung Cancer at the age of 57. Its devatsated my Grandparents. They didn't expect to outlive one of their children and then my Dad isn't too well either.
As you can imagine its torn/is tearing apart the family.
Originally posted by [TW]Fox
I really don't know what to say. I don't usually post in these threads, but I felt I had to just to, well, wish you the best