My Cancer

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I saw on Meridian ITV or South Today about Chrophyll (green stuff in plants) injections you can have, light is then shone on the area and the oxygen breaks down the tumour. It was a doctor in Austria doing the treatment. Worth a holiday I would have thought.
Pau D'arco may help too.
"Life is full of ups and downs. The trick is to enjoy the ups and have courage during the downs."

I'm totally speachless I can remember when you posted about getting the all clear
Hi mate im new to the forum and didnt know about this, just read ** thread and felt i needed to say something to you.

What ever you do enjoy yourself...and all the best

Take care
If the measure of success in life is how much people respect and care about you, you're a very rich man. It's an honour to share a forum with you Mr Z., and long may it continue.
My thought's are with you as well my friend. After being very close to one of my friends who died of heart cancer at 20 i feel i can empathise with your state of mind at the moment.
Keep strong :)
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