My Corsair 600T Watercooling

I am planning to get a black plate anyway. But you can still see a bit of the PCB through the Gap and where it says EK cut out. For me, even knowing that i didn't get what i paid for is irritating enough, knowing that it doesn't match in my rig is even worse for me.

It is a little picky i know, but when you spend £400, you expect to get what you ask for...

You're right of course - I just wasn't sure how much of the PCB would be obscured by using a back plate. I couldn't use one either, but there again, my wife does call me a pedant.
.... besides, with the amount of work you've put into this build, you're going to want to show off the innards, so anything less than perfection is going to irritate the life out of you, especially having gone to all that trouble to colour coordinate braid the cables etc. Seems a bit of a nonsense to have a blue PCB.

So I'm afraid there is no build progress at the moment. Just an update on purchases for the project.

I have exams at the moment for the end of my second year in Mechanical Engineering and a couple of my lecturers have not taught as anything relevant to the syllabus the whole year and now we are having to revise like crazy to try and learn all we need to know. Crazy hard work...

So I'm not getting any time to do anything other than revise, eat, and sleep. And I'm only doing this because thermodynamics was starting to drive me a little crazy.

I thought i would let you know I have sustained a sever injury too! Ok well i only stabbed myself with the spanner from my Dremel but it had to get infected and now it kinda hurts, but sorting it out and getting better. (Don't know why i bother with a picture, but hey ho)

I received this a couple of days ago but it was such a minor update I thought I would wait for this big shipment too. Here is my lovely new anti cyclone fitting that fits my res/pump combo like a glove. No shots in situ but trust me, it fits perfectly. Lush. (took the white coversheet off of course)

So here is what you wanted to see, a box from the postie!

And just because im really nice, here are the contents too. :D

Ok well lets just go ahead and open everything...

OH EM GEE, what is with me not getting what i pay for?? This is a rubbishy version of the DDC anti-vibaration mounts that i ordered. *Sends Email immediately* Again, not the end of the world, but i am seriously unlucky at the moment.

Nice big Phobya 200mm Rad for the front of the case.

I went ahead and added the bracket as i knew what i needed.

Lovely backplate for my 2nd (on its way soon) HD 7970

In typical fashion i have got the sticky tape on the plate as i opened it

Got this odd mark on the inside of the letters too, what do you think i should do?

A small bit of isopropanol and a steady hand cleaned it off and now its as good as new.

Now for some slightly less interesting bits and bobs but relevent none the less. Black tubing, may or may not use for the temp sensor and emptying port.

Some Clips

Single slot i/o shield thingy. Going to be black before long probably. :p

Thermal pads etc for the backplate

So there you have it.
A lovely list of more STUFF. Exams end 18th May and after that i will have FREEE TIME!! So plenty of gaming and PC building going on after then, can't wait. Until then, enjoy the picture by picture un-boxings.

More soon...

You do seem to have some bad luck with wrong items arriving.

Good luck with those exams too! I can;t remember what the thermodynamics lecturer's name was, but the guys first language was not English, so to get around this he used a microphone. It just amplified the accent.

I guess the nearest description to it was like calling talk-talks helpline... :)
You do seem to have some bad luck with wrong items arriving.

Good luck with those exams too! I can;t remember what the thermodynamics lecturer's name was, but the guys first language was not English, so to get around this he used a microphone. It just amplified the accent.

I guess the nearest description to it was like calling talk-talks helpline... :)

With no intention of being offensive, quite a few of my lectures are like that, its not easy :(

Agreed, the attention to detail is unbelievable. Hope your hand gets better soon :)


Thanks so much, it is recovering quickly now. To begin with i wasn't sure if was infected or something else so i left it for a bit. Antiseptic sorted it out. To much information i know, oh well... :p

Damn, this is looking really good. Fantastic attention to detail on the cutting :D.

Thanks, appreciate it. Good news from someone with such a nice 600T themselves.


First off i had a look at fitting the 200mm rad. Thought it would be a breeze because there is a 200mm fan mount on the front. Turns out it wasn't. The main issue was that the spectre pro mounting holes dont seem to actually be the same diameter apart as the case and rad holes. I had to make some slightly dodgy cuts in the fan holes to expand them a little so they would fit.

Here you might be able to see how all the bolts have to lean out slightly to be able to go through the fan holes, little bit odd.

The next problem was the air vent hole at the top of the radiator. I had to cut apart the drive bays a little to get it in.

Got a litte painting to touch it up, but its fairly subtle so im fine with it.

Eventually Got it fitted!

Next i had another go at tubing the system up. But without a motherboard or GPU it was fairly pointless and going nowhere fast so i decided to get my system to pieces so i could work things out more effectively.

Came up with some fairly complex arrangements without motherboard or GPU.

I was hoping that this would allow me to run a black tube behind the motherboard but it didn't quite work. I have decided i am going to get a ball valve and paint it black since i cant get a black one.

Ran A bench test before taking out my GPU and pulling my system apart so i had something to compare to. Scored 780, which seems terrible for a 6970, not sure why. Was with 4x AA.

Dust Ring
While taking it apart i found this dust ring on the top grill fairly interesting, it was formed by the apache black fans that were sitting there. I had never noticed it before because i had time to clean it, but during exams and revision, i dont have the time. So yeah, thought it was interesting.



Next, this is the water system i removed from my board. Look like i might have put a little too much paste on but the coverage looks good, if a little thick. Little bit of overflow over the edge too, so i will try and limit this next time.



So i have had another look at tubing after my thermodynamics exam today and i think it is looking good.

Decided i will probably got without having the HDD cage as i only have one SSD and one 3TB drive.

Motherboard in testing before i send it back for RMA.


Hopefully i will be able to mount the pump straight into the radiator, not got the fittings at the moment but i will do soon if i make a final decision. I have seen similar things in the second pic in other builds and because the flow doesn't fully develop in the short distance, it causes turbulence and heavily restricts flow.



Temp sensor mounted in the T block. This is very restrictive so i want a valve instead. That should give me all the flexibility need.


And now the Grand tubing design. Ignore tube colours, lengths etc. Just the approximate route is important.







(apologies for missing images. Upload took hours since there were so many pictures for this update and sadly some uploaded in full res for no reason... Will try and get some ASAP)

Well thats it for today. Please continue to leave comment especially on the route of the loop.

Thanks :D
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It's really starting to come together nicely now. Are the fans on the top going to be in a pull configuration? Also, what fan are you using with the 200mm rad at the front?
It's really starting to come together nicely now. Are the fans on the top going to be in a pull configuration? Also, what fan are you using with the 200mm rad at the front?

Yep, top fans are pulling through the rad and out the top of the case. Front fan is a Bitfenix Spectre Pro with no leds.

My only slight concern at this stage is my air pressure. I think i may end up with a low pressure inside the case with three 120s on the top. Resulting in dust coming in through the gaps. Might have to have the rear as an intake to stop this. plus get a filter for it.
Its coming together rather well :D And I gotta say, Im studying Aero engineering and god do I hate thermodynamics :p

Haha, i don't really hate it at all. One of my favourites, but our lecturer this year has just made life difficult by not teaching everything that he wants to examine.

Just a quick update as to what is happening so you all know whats going on.

I have been purchasing braiding and other small items for finishing touches that shall get added after my exams finish on friday.

My motherboard RMA should be delivered today so i may not bother with a Z77 upgrade, thought on this?

Just to show that i am truly unlucky with bad deliveries the following events have happened recently.

1) Bought 4 alpenfohn wing boost fans from OCUK, got delivered purple LED ones...

2) Bought 25 LEDs for X4 sidewinder light mod. Only delivered 15...

3) Bought 100ft of Black paracord for braiding, got delivered green...

How does this always happen to me :(

No pictures this time im afraid as i am literally in the middle of doing 3 exams in 4 days and it is hectic to say the least. But i promise there will lots of good stuff happening in the next week. Subscribe for updates! :D

So here we are, time for an update on my progress.

Exams went well, longest and hardest period of work in my life so far but it can only get better from here and i think i did alright in my exams so it all looks good.

Saw a video on YT which was a tutorial on braiding cables with paracord, and since i owned bitfenix alchemy cables i have always wanted a full set of cables like that so that is exactly what i did.

Started by buying about 400ft of paracord which was only about £20 so great value for money, bought black and white but only really used white in the end.

White Paracord Mess

Then i set about sleeving each and every cable. It took several days in all and my thumb is now utterly ruined after touching molten nylon repeatedly and then pulling out the razer sharp pins and cutting my fingers... Sacfices were made in the learning stages but now i can do it much more proficiently.

Cut Thumb

I must mention at this point that i made a fatal error while doing this. Since all the cables are black, i thought it would be best to only remove a single cable at once, sleeve it, then replace it. But as i got tired one night at about 2am, i pulled out two in a row. I decided that since i could do nothing about it immediately then i would just guess and continue. I tried to get the wiring plans from corsair but they said they couldn't help. I contacted OCUK customer service and, low and behold, Bailey managed to get me exactly what i needed, the wire diagram for the AX850W PSU (which is different to normal as it is 24pin on one end and 18+10pin on the other.) Massive Kudos to OCUK for their efforts here so i thought i would mention that :D Thanks again OCUK.

If anyone is wondering quite how you do this, you basically have to remove then pin and slip the paracord over the end like normal braiding but use a still wire to help. Then just melt the paracord at the end over the thin part of the clip so it doesn't slip back over. Then just put it back in. Could do a more detailed tutorial if there is demand but i imagine videos on YT are just as useful.

Melting the End

Part Done

The Final Results

Done Front I/O Connectors too

As well as braiding a metric tonne of cables, in 2 days i have painted a couple of screw ends so they dont show up like beacons on the rad fans. Very simply just painted, im sure they might chip a little when i put them in but its better than them being bright shining silver like before.

Up next will be blocking up my GPU and then fitting and testing. Exciting times for me! :D
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