My Ferrari 575M Maranello - pics

My Hubbys boss has an older Maranello that he has agreed I can drive this year (in the dry... rolleyes)... I want to know what it feels like to drive something so powerful and yet so dainty, if I can use such a word.

Forgive my female ignorance, it's two wheel drive right? So how is the handling round bends? Is there much wheelspin for fast starts giving a little tail waiver?

In other words, as I drive a 4wd at the moment, what difference can I expect with the Ferrari (apart from double the grunt that is).

Is the steering tetchy or responsive? Are corners taken as tight as a 4wd or is there a bit of a trail?
Steering is this car's forté and yes, you do have to be a little cautious with the go pedal, otherwise you could be looking at the road ahead through your side window :D
Originally posted by Spie
Steering is this car's forté and yes, you do have to be a little cautious with the go pedal, otherwise you could be looing at the road ahead through your side window :D

I managed to do that in a beatle in the wet so i would hate to think how quickly you can get things messed up with a car pumping out more than 500HP :eek:
Originally posted by HappyBeaver
My Hubbys boss has an older Maranello that he has agreed I can drive this year (in the dry... rolleyes)...

Organise him a lap in the Norschleife "Ring Taxi" with Sabine Schmitz (nee Hock) :)

Sabine is 3 times winner of the 24hrs race, drives the ring taxi and when she gave Jeremy Clarkson a lap the guy was rather lost for words :D
Congratulations Spie! That is a seriously nice motor. It is a real delight to read about someone who has earned their money, spending it on something so unashamedly desirable as the Ferrari 575M Maranello. Thank you for getting to this milestone in your life by providing a service that I have found to be of consistently high quality and value.


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