My First Ever 'From Scratch' Build!

I do have to note your photography and editing skills are quite impressive! You have a great build going on here, looking forward to seeing more :)

Hey Zynck,

Thanks! I try to take the best pictures I can but the image quality of my camera is pants in low light levels, and I'm only using the normal lights in my room to take pictures with so they have a lot of noise in them but I try and pretty them up with photoshop!
looks great yet again, i might put my mobo in and psu aswell just to make a start because the wiring looks pretty time consuming lol what games u going to be playing once built ? i am looking forward to strnghold 3 and diablo 3

looks excellent though

Hey Dean,

Thanks again mate! Yeah the routing of the cables is the most tedious part of the whole build imo. Definitely glad I went for the modular power supply, although if I had to buy another one I don't think I'd go with OCZ again. There's just something I don't like about that PSU (should have gone with my gut and got a corsair but they are so expensive!:mad:).

We'll I'm definitely going to get BF3 & Skyrim whether they will run well on my machine is another question! lol. I also love my RTS's so I'm going to pick up one of the Total War games and Starcraft II.
HDD is on the list! I've already got my ram, actually the same as yours.

I've not budgeted for a new case yet as my current case will suffice for now, even if it is ugly and has awful airflow.

I will need a new optical drive though ;)

Nothing better than parts starting to arrive! :D. Yeah the Kingston HyperX grey RAM sure is sexy looking! Have you had a look at the Antec 300 case? Its about £60, has great air flow and is used by loads of people.
yeah i love rts games and will skyrim be like diablo type of game ? i will post all my system components later on tonight after work, it should be ok to put my psu in my case before mother board shouldnt it ? waiting for cpu before puting mobo in

also hopfully easy-ish to overclock lol
yeah i love rts games and will skyrim be like diablo type of game ? i will post all my system components later on tonight after work, it should be ok to put my psu in my case before mother board shouldnt it ? waiting for cpu before puting mobo in

also hopfully easy-ish to overclock lol

Yeah its all about RTS's man! :). Skyrim 1st and 3rd person RPG and Diablo 3 is like a dungeon crawler so they are different, but both will be epic!

Cool I await to see what goodies your going for! Yeah it will be fine to put your PSU in first, only problem might be that when you come to fit your motherboard it could be tricky to get in as your PSU will be in the way. If it's modular though it will be much easier.

Did you say you were getting exactly the same board as me Dean? (Asrock P67 Extreme4 GEN3) If so then this video might be of help when you get your rig up and running:

Looking lovely mate! Nice sleeving too for a first attempt!
Which extension leads were they? from OcUK?

Hi Rhysduck,

Thanks very much! I had some more MDPC-X sleeving turn up today so I can crack on with that when I get home :D. Yeah they are the Akasa ones from OCUK.

24-Pin Extension Cable

8-Pin CPU Power Extension Cable

The Akasa ones are good because the ugly sleeving they use doesn't have adhesive heatshrink and so it is easy to get off! unlike my OCZ modular cables :mad:.
Excellent thanks for the link BS! Shall get them ordered tomorrow to try my hand at some braiding!

Now to decide on some braiding from MDPC! Blue and grey... Hmm... Any tips?

Looking forward to more progress pics!!
I bought one of these, my temps were mega high, 93C +


Guess what I left on :rolleyes:


Nice build
Excellent thanks for the link BS! Shall get them ordered tomorrow to try my hand at some braiding!

Now to decide on some braiding from MDPC! Blue and grey... Hmm... Any tips?

Looking forward to more progress pics!!

Your welcome! Ahh deciding what colour to get is the hardest part! I want all of them! Lol.

My top tip would be measure everything twice! I'm tempted to do a little video tutorial on sleeving as lots of people have asked how easy it is to do, but we'll see. You'll get instructions emailed to you from Nils (the guy who started MDPC-X) when you buy your sleeve, he's very helpful and will gladly answer any questions you have. Or ask me and I'll try to do the best I can! :D

I should have some more pics for you guys tomorrow!
Hey Footyfan93,

Man you had me worried there for a second! I thought I'd bought a lemon or something! :eek:. Good job you realised before something went boom! Did it damage the CPU or cooler at all?

Hey guys,

Just another update for you. I just placed my final order on OCUK! Everything else I need should arrive on Monday so there will be a big update then.

On Friday I went to the Eurogamer Expo up in London, Whilst I was there I played some great new games. BF3 on PC is ridiculous! It looks so so impressive graphically and is just so much fun. Ace Combat: Assault Horizon is also great fun and very adrenaline filled! Other than playing some games and getting my hands on some free swag I stopped of at the Turtle Beach stand to pick up a headset for my new rig.





so sorry not repplyed bright spark been on a course for work yeah i got that mobo and i started a thread like this but had no time to update lately and on hols tmoz so as soon as i get back will be cracking on with my build,do that vid show you how to correctly overclock ? and what you overclocking to ? i want it to be fast but not damage the CPU or shorten its life span just a nice speed that the CPU can handle,

i ordered BF3 for my PS3 before i started my build and payed a deposit not sure weather to see if i can change to pc as my new system should be able to handle it

looking good aswel mate
Hey Everyone!

Sorry I haven't updated yet! been very busy lately what with work and being ill :mad:. But I have indeed finished my build! I will post some more pics up tonight. Stay tuned...
Nice looking cans them! Do they perform as well as they look?
Any more progress on the build BS?

Hey man,

Yeah they do actually! They sound great nice bass response and no problems with distortion at high volumes, unlike my Tritton headset :mad:. They have a really nice feel to them and are very well made, only criticism I would make is that there isn't a in-line mic volume control and the mic cannot be detached. Other than that though they are awesome! Well worth £95.
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