Morning people!
I've been Tinkering around with my i5 overclock this weekend, I managed to get it to 4.5Ghz last night (which isn't very difficult). Then ran Prime95 for 15 hours and 46 minutes which I think is a reasonable stress test time. So far everything looks stable and temps arn't too high, 60C was the highest temp recorded by HW Monitor. The only thing I'm not sure about is the core voltage for the CPU, does anyone know if 1.320 Volts is too much for this clock speed?
Anyway here are some results from Prime95/HW Monitor/CPU-Z.
Hi Mark,
Yeah I thought that 14 hours would be sufficient, I would have run Prime95 for longer but I wanted to play Total War too badly lol. It's good to hear my voltage isn't too high, that is the thing I was most worried about. I'm quite happy with 60C as my highest temperature, that is just using the stock thermal compound that came with the A50 CPU HS. I may buy some Artic Silver thermal compound and see if it makes any difference. Or go the other way and get a closed circuit water block for it, something along the lines of the Corsair H80 or something.
Hey Ryan,
I read the how to guide on here about building your system and also a article on Bit-Tech website. I also watch loads of Linustechtips on Youtube and read anything I find about computers and new hardware. Until about 8 months ago I knew very little about hardware and building computers. Here are some handy links:
Newegg TV: How To Build A Computer Part 1
Newegg TV: How To Build A Computer Part 2
Newegg TV: How To Build A Computer Part 3
Linus Tech Tips Youtube Channel:
Bit late of a reply but thanks for the links! Bookmarked them all. I've actually bought a new modular PSU recently (should arrive tomorrow) so I can maybe get my case in a state close to like yours! Unfortunately I have an Antec 900 which are notoriously bad for cable management so I'll just have to see how I get on![]()
Looks very smooth mate. Good to see the 560Ti does the job very well. I'm trying to get to grip with Prem Pro at the moment!
I see you play Dirt 3... May i invite you to the Dirt 3 Time Trail (in sig).
PS: How did you find OC'ing your 2500k?
was that only £500 odd total? or just some of the bits?
Just had a read through this. Really nice well done build dude, looks stunning!
That pin removal video helped a lot as I wanna braid my cables and clean the inside of my case, total mess of wires haha
Nice build![]()
Great sleeving, I never had the patience!