Hi there, I work in estate agency in Bedford if you need any advice feel free to ask happy to help out a fellow forum user
My house is also on the market with limited success so far, I too like the idea of breaking the chain and renting/moving back in with parents but it's just not feasible with a 6 month old baby.
Is there a way to rent for say 3/6 months without having to pay the letting agent fees for checks etc?
Do you do houses that aren't near Bedford? (no offence.. lol).
My girlfriend and i have agreed that we won't view anymore houses at all until we've found a buyer for the flat, there's just no point. She got quite upset when we lost the other house, she got excited and furnished it all in her head.
It's 20 something residential. I'm not bothered by the work that would be done and the access to it wouldn't be near me but the house woul most probably back on to houses/other gardens instead of fields.
I assume if anything it would be negative slightly.