My first personal high tech build

care to elaborate? :confused:

thats a sick rig :D

Cheers bud for having my back ;)

Cool build and awsome colours. Love the masterchief!

Gotta love the masterchief. Also cheers pal.

Good score on the 3d mark then, thanks for the card settings pic too.

no probs pal :cool:

Very nice build, just a shame about the 4 different coloured front bay devices

Not much else i could do mate, tried a drive mod with a white optic drive cover and it looked even worse. To be fair i just look at the side window and admire masterchief :D
my monitor update :)




Nice thin bezels :)


Comp now under due to size and all messy wires :( but hey .......

what monitor are they buddy? also is that a separate monitor stand?

that is a amazing build tho, want to try do something with my Storm Trooper when funds allow

it could do with a rebuild and freshen in up abit tbh

nice work dude, anything else planned or is this complete? :)
Can't wait to see some pictures of this build once the leak test is done, it is a lovely looking build! I love the motherboard more than anything, really want to pick one up but can't take that much of a hit financially at the moment! Looks lovely all together, love the red with the motherboard.

Edit: My computer had this page up from last night, so I didn't see your pics, looks lovely, those monitors look good too :) well done on a great build!
Cheers mate. Need to order myself 5 new fans and this will be complete. Need 3 ultra thin for a push/pull configuration in my 360 rad and going to replace the 2 white led fans at the bottom of the case then all should be finished
Beautiful system mate :) love the mix of red coolant, white case and EK plexis, its like mine but good lol :P

Out of interest are you running pumpres>rad>CPU>rad>GPU>return? can't really tell from the pics and didn't see it mentioned.
I've just redone the loop this weekend. I was running pump/res-cpu-360rad-gpu-gpu-240rad-pump/res. Now it's pump/res-both gpu-360rad-cpu-240rad-pump/res and I've noticed that temps are worse. Thinking of adding a few more fans to the 360 for push/pull or having a duel res for a duel loop now. Red and white tubing. :)
Red and white sounds awesome and will look pure sex with the plexi/red on some of the blocks :)

Just a note in case you missed it in the instructions (it does happen with this block), the port on the CPU block closest the the EK logo is the outlet and the one more central is the inlet, if you plumb them in backwards it will affect the flow as the block is jet plated and so designed for flow in one direction (it won't be a major diff but it will affect the temp).
Monitors and comp and all peripherals cost me £3200 but I'm seriously considering a new duel res and another pump just to 'sex it up bit'

Yea I know about the flow with the blocks. It's only a difference of 3/4 degrees. I'm not happy with my chip to be honest. 76 degrees now under load whilst playing battlefield 3 on ultra and 3 screens at 4.4ghz. Was 72 degrees via prime before i had 3 monitors. Seems like the cards are getting hotter. I still think that's poor for water cooling. Try a duel loop and see how that pans out
Serious money . I think my wife and I may have a slight disagreement if I wanted to"sex up" my current rig . As in I don't think sex would be on the agenda for the rest of my life :-)
Hahaha. My Mrs is happy I'm preoccupied with this so she doesn't have to give me sex. Long tern relationships for you
I found splitting a single loop into 2 reduced my GPU temps quite significantly. From memory the loop was:


In splitting it into

I managed to incorporate 2x2.120 rads in the loop, but more importantly the GPU's went from 60+ under load to 45max under load.

You should see something similar....
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