What thermal paste did you use on the cpu cooler and how much did you put on?
paste which is supplied with the stock cooler is pre applied to the base of the cooler, still think you can get those temps down more so maybe worth getting some decent paste.
Stulid did a nice review of loads of different ones, have a read here http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18416534
1.84 vcore on your CPU?
Redek is 1.84 your vcore/cpu voltage, if so what are you using to cool? Chilled water? Ln2? Normal-NO.
looks like youve had more than a few troubles during the build,but im sure you will be relieved its done now,im currently saving maniacally for a xmas build which will be my first ever,hope i get done as well you have