So this is my first water cooled build project. In fact I've never built a PC before, just swapped bits out and upgraded. So it's a daunting task but one I hope will be interesting.
It centres around the STH10, so day one is all about assembling the thing. Here are some images...
A big box.
Very well packaged at that.
Every single item, big or small, was packaged like this. Pretty impressive.
An overwhelming amount of stuff was in the box. Didn't know where to start. Instructions helped a lot.
Another angle
I started by joining the chassis compartment with upper and lower mid plates
This is what it looked like once both were attached. Couldn't work out how to join the pieces, and then realised the scres were countersunk for a reason...I'm an idiot.
Next up was to attach the rear chassis
And then the top and bottom chassis
Front chassis and cover was next, followed by I/0 panel.
Lovely design for SSD, HDD bays
Now the motherboard backplate. It was a little tricky since it slides out and I had to make sure it was all level. Nothing too stressy, just fiddly.
And open...
Top cover goes on
All covers
Front door goes on
And protective film comes off
It centres around the STH10, so day one is all about assembling the thing. Here are some images...
A big box.
Very well packaged at that.
Every single item, big or small, was packaged like this. Pretty impressive.
An overwhelming amount of stuff was in the box. Didn't know where to start. Instructions helped a lot.
Another angle
I started by joining the chassis compartment with upper and lower mid plates
This is what it looked like once both were attached. Couldn't work out how to join the pieces, and then realised the scres were countersunk for a reason...I'm an idiot.
Next up was to attach the rear chassis
And then the top and bottom chassis
Front chassis and cover was next, followed by I/0 panel.
Lovely design for SSD, HDD bays
Now the motherboard backplate. It was a little tricky since it slides out and I had to make sure it was all level. Nothing too stressy, just fiddly.
And open...
Top cover goes on
All covers
Front door goes on
And protective film comes off
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