My First Water Cooled Build

Good work dude, keep at it! Are you going to wire all the radiator fans together? Looks much better with only 1 connector, especially when braided.
Yes, and no, no it isn't. If you can afford a £600 case you can afford a £20 soldering iron and £5 of multicore. :P

Soldering is really easy dude. Heat up soldering iron (modern ones has temp sensors and lights and stuff), hold against the two surfaces to heat them up for 15 secs or so, then just melt the solder into the joint, letting it run down the iron tip.

Would neaten up the cabling for the fans rather a lot IMO. Especially if you get into braiding as well. :P

You could instead join them with some other method though. Little clip in plugs or something.

It's not the money, just my lack of knowledge about it. This whole thing is new to me - as I saifd, I've never built a PC before, so going w/c is insane in itself. I guess I'll watch a vid on the soldering and see what's what. Thanks for the tips.
NP dude, don't be scared! All the fun for me is modding stuff, not just fitting everything together. :P

Glad to see a 560 Rad being used though, never seem to see them. I was wondering if you could get 2 560s in one of the compartments? Maybe feeding air in from both ends and exausting out of the rads on either side, or just blowing from one side of the case to the other...
Yes, you can fit x2 560s in the bottom chamber, though plumbing is hard! Top chamber can only have 480s. 560 in bottom chamber means removing front intake fan, which I have done. Just done my first sleeving ever, on a GT fan. Looks ok. But now you've intrigued me with the soldering idea!

I was planning on pulling air in on front intake, and pushing air out of back of case on rads in top and bottom chamber. Does that sound OK to you?
Not much

Just fancied w/cooling the buggery out of it.

Cooling x2 gpus (570) - they burn hot. Also an i7 3930 and x16 ram. Don't ask me why I bought that much ram.

On the soldering front, I think I am just going to try and braid the cables and tuck them away wherever possible. I think the main thing for me is getting a rig up and running with no leaks. Next time I play around I can think about soldering. Too many unknowns for me at the present. Never done any of this before. I know I'll get flamed for buying an enormous case and not filling it to brimming point straight from the get go, but the idea was to get a case that I can add to later without having to worry about changing/modding case later on.
Thanks Muel. Looks easy enough. But because I am a chicken, I will just try and do it the easier way for now, get the thing up and running, and then give it a go. It's getting a bit overwhelming to be honest.
Incidentally, can I put GTs upside down so that the wires are closer to the rear of the case?

How do you mean upside down? If it's how I'm thinking then you'll then change them from push to pull/pull to push.

You can rotate them so the wires are at the back of the case though.

Subbed. :)
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