My journey out of obesity

:eek: Massive change, great work.

Whatever you do, don't stop and let all that hard work go to waste. On those nights when you really can't bring yourself to go to the gym, I tend to go home and do some chins, dips, pressups, leg raises etc.

What would you say your main motivator was Tom?

- Self-confidence / personal health
- Attention from the ladies
- Just looking better for everyone, ladies or not
- Other

:eek: Massive change, great work.

Whatever you do, don't stop and let all that hard work go to waste. On those nights when you really can't bring yourself to go to the gym, I tend to go home and do some chins, dips, pressups, leg raises etc.

What would you say your main motivator was Tom?

- Self-confidence / personal health
- Attention from the ladies
- Just looking better for everyone, ladies or not
- Other


Cheers :)
Don't worry letting it all slip away is something I never plan on doing, the bug has well and truely bitten.
All of them have played a part to be honest, my self confidence has never been amazing and its been something I've battled with for most of my life also just the sense of achivement in that I can feel myself becoming fitter and stronger and I know its all down to me.
I also enjoy the whole tweaking things here and there or trying new things out just to see what happens, I've always had an inqusitive sort of side.
And of course I'd be lying if I said I didnt do it to look better for the ladies and just in general which I suppose goes hand in hand with my self confidence issues.

BennyC said:
Coming along nicely mate Shape really starting to come through. Keep it up!
Cheers mate :) your not doing too badly yourself :p looking awesome after your recent cut, hope the bulk goes just as well
Good start to the day, broke the 90kg barrier this morning I'm sitting at 89.8kg not much under but its good to be in the 80's finally
Just thought I've never posted any pics of the wheels, so heres one for all the leg lovers
Just remembered I have a pair of bf callipers that a bought ages ago and though I would take a quick measurement for a laugh.
Apparently just from the one fold measurement method they have me at around 17-18% I don't believe that for a second, personally I would still put myself up around the 23% mark.

edit: Just a couple of untensed normal pics incase anyone wants to give it a guess

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At least you're being honest with yourself about body fat %. As you can/should see though it's evidently dropping though :).
So much progress mate. You should be so happy. :) How do you feel?

amazing to put it simply, still never going to be totally happy as theres always room for improvement.
But to look in the mirror and think yea I'm looking good, or to go for a run and just breeze along is awesome.
My only regret is that back when I loved going to the gym after school when I was 15/16 I slowly gave it up I can't even remember why but its probably one of the single worst decisions I've ever made. Oh well can't change the past only the future :D

Now I'm enjoying adding in some of the slightly more advanced stuff I suppose you could call it like making sure I always strech out well and I'm starting to use a foam roller just to work on a few little niggles
cheers mate, I'm really looking forward to when I'm in a position to start piling on some mass
Well its been a yr and a bit since I started this thread and I got no where near the goals I set out in the first post, ah well.
Things dont always go to plan but its how you deal with the failures and off track moments that really show yourself who you are.
I'm going to be using this thread now as more of a place to keep you updated on my shoulder injury and possible surgery, and then how I change up my training to fit around it.
I know most people will find that terribly boring but you never know there maybe the odd one or 2 who have been or will be in the same situation.
Failing is temporary but giving up is permanent as they say. I'm currently going through something similar to yourself, I have a good frame and some mass on me but with combination of booze and bad diet put too much ballast since college. Had excellent progress in September and lost almost stone and a half, however, only made it twice to the Gym this month as it's been injury after injury so haven't made any progress whatsoever which is gutting. Going back tomorrow to see how I've healed so fingers crossed.
Well its been a yr and a bit since I started this thread and I got no where near the goals I set out in the first post, ah well.
Things dont always go to plan but its how you deal with the failures and off track moments that really show yourself who you are.
I'm going to be using this thread now as more of a place to keep you updated on my shoulder injury and possible surgery, and then how I change up my training to fit around it.
I know most people will find that terribly boring but you never know there maybe the odd one or 2 who have been or will be in the same situation.

Hi Tom,

So where are you now compared with where you started ? Got any stats ?

Good to see you are still keeping at it.

As for people finding it boring to read your thread;

1. You had the guts to go out and make your effort public.
2. You also had the guts to put up pictures of yourself. That takes a hell of a lot of bottle.
3. A year on and you are still working at it... you have not given up.
4. If people find the thread boring then they will not read it. At this point you have over 4,000 views. Seems there are a fair few people willing to read it. That is over 15 people per day for a year. If your thread has helped half of those take steps to sort out their health and fitness then isn't that a great achievement. Hell if you have helped only one person...
5. IIRC, even FF has mentioned that he was playing around with his fitness for a year or more before really getting in there.
6. IMO people seeing others like you and me who are not in shape and need to loose a bit of fat doing threads like this are likely to make them think that they can also do the same rather than mens health models making it seem so easy.

So, new year coming. New set of goals. Positive mental attitude.

All the best mate.

If you don't first succeed...

Any ways I've found out where you went wrong :p


haha in that picture they were my house mates, although beer is a weak point of mine especially if its been a heavy night at work me and my house mate end up having a can or 3 :o

Hi Tom,

So where are you now compared with where you started ? Got any stats ?

Good to see you are still keeping at it.

As for people finding it boring to read your thread;

1. You had the guts to go out and make your effort public.
2. You also had the guts to put up pictures of yourself. That takes a hell of a lot of bottle.
3. A year on and you are still working at it... you have not given up.
4. If people find the thread boring then they will not read it. At this point you have over 4,000 views. Seems there are a fair few people willing to read it. That is over 15 people per day for a year. If your thread has helped half of those take steps to sort out their health and fitness then isn't that a great achievement. Hell if you have helped only one person...
5. IIRC, even FF has mentioned that he was playing around with his fitness for a year or more before really getting in there.
6. IMO people seeing others like you and me who are not in shape and need to loose a bit of fat doing threads like this are likely to make them think that they can also do the same rather than mens health models making it seem so easy.

So, new year coming. New set of goals. Positive mental attitude.

All the best mate.


Cheers RB nice bit of inspiration as always :)
I've got photos of when I first started and I know I was about 17st, at this moment in time I'm 16st and the lightest I've been within the last 18months is around 14st10 there may be some measurements from when I first started kicking around in one of the threads.

Well its been 3 weeks since I dislocated my shoulder for the umpteenth time and I had my MRI on Friday god knows how long it'l be before I get to chat to the specialist.
In the meantime I'm bored not lifting weights so I'm going to head back into the gym tomorrow and just start very light and see where I end up.
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I has my MRI last friday my word its tight in those things, so now I'm just waiting to hear when my apointment with the specialist is so I can actually find out whats going on in there.
I've knocked up this diet for the moment just to try and keep the weight down while I'm not being massively active.
Its not massively stirct but that should mean theres more chance of me sticking to it, then hopefully il tighten up it when I know I can go back to training properly again.
Looks all good stuff, personally I'd cut the milk because I feel it doesn't help my hunger at all, and also possibly cut the carbs at dinner and have some lean meat eg. chicken and then some cottage cheese or similar at night.

Edit: If you're not training then probably wont need as much protein (although I find it keeps me fuller for longer).
Looks all good stuff, personally I'd cut the milk because I feel it doesn't help my hunger at all, and also possibly cut the carbs at dinner and have some lean meat eg. chicken and then some cottage cheese or similar at night.

Edit: If you're not training then probably wont need as much protein (although I find it keeps me fuller for longer).

Im using milk purely for a taste thing :) I've tried to avoid things like cottage cheese and quark because they dont seem to agree with my stomach nothing massive but a bit of bloating and generally churning.
I might drop the carbs at dinner slightly and up the veg but I dont fancy ommiting them completely as I just feel better with at least a small serving.
I'm also planning on throwing a tsp of Psyllium husks into some water once or twice a day just to keep a nice full feeling and stop me snacking on crap.
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