You and the rest of the planet
I realise you're being facetious, but yes, there are almost certainly more people on the planet who do not shop in central Birmingham than who do

You and the rest of the planet
Nothing to do with being inconvenient. It would be more convenient to be able to drive to the closer location, however we're being financially incentivised to create more pollution, ironically by supposed anti-pollution measures
Edit: agree with your reaction to this post. It's almost as if the government/local council have put in a half baked scheme with no forward planning or consideration of the indirect consequences, but of course our great and glorious leaders would never do such a thing... (jesus christ, it's hard to even type that while keeping a straight face)
I always felt sorry for the poor kid who got the "heart" ring. His mates get the power to conjure up 1,000mph winds, monsoon rains and 100m high tidal waves, spew forth flame from their fingertips and rupture the very ground beneath their feet with a mere thought. He gets... "Heart"Earth! Fire! Wind! Water! Heart!
With your powers combined I am Captain Planet!
Captain Planet, he's our hero,
Gonna take pollution down to zero,
He's our powers magnified,
And he's fighting on the planet's side
Captain Planet, he's our hero,
Gonna take pollution down to zero,
Gonna help him put asunder,
Bad guys who like to loot and plunder
"You'll pay for this Captain Planet!"
We're the planeteers,
You can be one too!
'Cause saving our planet is the thing to do,
Looting and polluting is not the way,
Hear what Captain Planet has to say:
I always felt sorry for the poor kid who got the "heart" ring. His mates get the power to conjure up 1,000mph winds, monsoon rains and 100m high tidal waves, spew forth flame from their fingertips and rupture the very ground beneath their feet with a mere thought. He gets... "Heart"![]()
Nah, you're fine. You're doing exactly what the road policy aimed for - you've been discouraged from driving in a certain area so now go elsewhere.
Public transport isn't an alternative to driving lol
Nope, Interest in home delivery to many issues and time wasting. Prefer to do it my self rather than get something home delivered.Home delivery. You’re not polluting and (if/when big businesses become serious about pollution) neither will they![]()
Nope, Interest in home delivery to many issues and time wasting. Prefer to do it my self rather than get something home delivered.
Sick Of things going missing and having to go down this long winded process of getting my money back.
If home delivery is time wasting you're doing it wrong. That's the whole frickin' point of it! You don't need to wander around a shop. Literally never had anything go missing.
What do you do when you’re stocking up on ingredients for the burger van? Do you text your suppliers on WhatsApp to say you’ll be round to pick stuff up, or do they deliver? Are they local and have you considered your carbon footprint?Sometimes i go for a drive if im bored
He's probably right. But who cares?
There is enough space for cars. What they are doing is reducing the space, and in some areas increasing the population density.The reality is the traffic restrictions you see in London now, will spread to other areas. There really is not enough space on the roads in major cities for everyone to drive.
There is enough space for cars. What they are doing is reducing the space, and in some areas increasing the population density.
Last night I saw an ambulance take 90mins to travel down great western road.
Bloody spoilt city types don’t know they’re born. 7-8 miles away *is* my local shop.