My new Samsung 26" LCD

SiD the Turtle said:
Exploded eh? Sounds like someone gave it a swift kick to justify the new LCD panel :p

Haha, I have been waiting for it to die for some time now...

The screen was going green ( :eek: ) and it took years to turn on. I guess today it 'gave up the ghost'.

Well, I have to say I am very very tempted at the moment to grab a new TV... At the moment I am using my 360 thru my 20" widescreen TFT, but was thinking of grabbing a 26" samsung.

I have NTL at the moment, which I was going to plug in via a scart or something. Does this mean I can grab a model without the tuner?

To be honest though, I may well be moving soon, so I want a pretty cheap option, as I am just going to end up giving the TV away in 6 months or less. So what is the best option for a Samsung? I have heard they can be picked up for £480 or was that a special offer?

At the moment I have my 360 hooked up via VGA to my monitor, but was thinking of grabbing some component cables instead... I know that the connection is kind of a matter of personal oppion, I just wondered if the Samsung was "better" at VGA or component in general?

Sorry to double post but what do people think of the model:


Does it work ok with the xbox 360? I have read that it is PAL and does not work with NTSC? is that a load of rubbish?
I went all the way to Costco in Reading to pick up a 26 inch R74 only to find out that they are completely sold out. It would seem that in a lot of places these are flying off the shelves. They are not getting any more until the 18th of June at the earliest. Heads up for anyone who wants one from there, the 26 inch is 585 inc VAT and the 32 is about 830 inc VAT.

I have now ordered the R73 from [a high street competitor] using some discount codes to get the 26 inch model for 599. I will let you know how fantastic it is when it arrives on the 10th of June.
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