@Screeeech your photos are amazing - I have some holiday that I need to take in January and you've pretty much single handedly persuaded me to take a trip up to Skye. Have you had a chance to get out to Eilean Donan castle, or the fairy pools? Those are pretty high up my list of places to visit!
Thanks man!
I'm not a huge fan of Eilean Donan castle for photography, it's always very busy - but there are some good nearby shots if it's in good light.
The fairy pools are really good, but the conditions have to be right - you don't want too much water, otherwise it's quite muddy and the pools are all covered by a torrent of water, but if the conditions are right it's stunning, really deep, fluoride blue pools - with the black Cullins as a background. I've been up there a few times but I've yet to capture anything decent from there.
I was lucky enough to go to Skye back in 2010 when it was freezing, it snowed like hell (which is unusual for Skye) and was about -10 so everything looked phenomenal, I managed to dig out a couple of shots I took ages ago, on my old camera; (5x4 large format + Velvia)
January should be a good month to go, if you're lucky it will be cold - the colder the better on Skye, because it's an island it tends to be warmer and suffers more from long periods of drizzle and misery, that the mainland doesn't - if it's cold and the Cullin gets a good dusting of snow, that whole area will produce amazing shots.
I've got to go away to LA for 6 weeks at the end of Jan, which is a bit annoying as I'd like to hit Skye again when it freezes (sometime around Jan and March) but if it does freeze before I go away, I'll be up there immediately. Skye is absolutely world class in good conditions, it's just getting those conditions..